I don't think Coma is more repetitive than Rime in any way you try to compare it, be it melodies, riffs, sections, whatever. Sure as hell can't call that outro repetitive >.>
I find it very hard to say which I prefer out of Coma/Estranged/November, but they slightly edge out Civil War. Oddly when I was first getting into GnR a friend had a mix CD with some tracks on and we used to skip Civil War whenever it came up due to the spoken into and being like "wtf?". I think the first time I listened to it properly I was on a day off from school playing C&C Red Alert 2 with GnR mix in the background... Amazing the things you remember ha.
Early favorite? Hmm I don't know. I picked them up sort of one track at a time from friends/the internet before I was bought AFD for christmas. I'd probably say You Could Be Mine or Patience (very opposite ends of the scale) were the ones that got the most listens.