Guess the cryptic song

"Columbo looking for some clues"
Clue 1: USA
Clue 2: Alternative Metal
(You could place the band in this genre although the song we´re looking for is really soul/funk/jazzy)
4 points? I though it would be 3 points. Maybe its just your care and affection for me... LOL

Anyway, @MindRuler I was wondering if we swap Clues #3 and #4 with each other, i.e. Year of release first and then the band name at last, the game could be more fun. What do you guys say?
Just my opinion :)
4 points? I though it would be 3 points.
you´re right! Just got out of bed + bad in maths did the trick. I change the score. :D
Maybe its just your care and affection for me... LOL
Anyway, @MindRuler I was wondering if we swap Clues #3 and #4 with each other, i.e. Year of release first and then the band name at last, the game could be more fun.
Sounds interesting. Let me think about it!

Btw: Columbo is highly recommended. It´s the Godfather of al CSI stuff and mixes suspense with humour.
So @Jer what's your opinion on swapping the clues like @Siddharth suggested?
Clue 3 would be the year of release and then the final 4th clue would reveal the band. It could be more challenging this way. If you agree, I can modify the game rules.
I think I prefer it the way it is because year of release doesn’t really narrow things down in a helpful way when it could still be any band in a potentially broad genre from a certain country. Band first limits you to their discography, which whittles things down meaningfully and gives you more focus, then year of release chops it down to an album or two to wrap things up. The other way around it’ll just go from super broad to one of roughly ten choices all of a sudden.