Guess the cryptic song

Well, no need to beat around the bush, might as well explain: My thesis is due in a few days, after that I'll be done with my studies, so this is already stressful enough. On Sunday night my father died, so my brothers and I had to deal with all the paperwork, book flights to Greece and deal with the preparations for the funeral.
No worries, I'm fine. My father had dementia and it had gotten pretty bad in the last year. He finally found peace and he wouldn't want to continue suffering for no reason. There wasn't anything left of him at the end, so it's for the best. Gotta say, it's a bit weird to be back in Greece for the first time in 13 years though.
Anyway, I'll carry on and once I'm back home and will have access to wifi, I'll be a menace again annoying all of you :P

I'm sorry to read that. :( I hope you're OK now. :)
Thank you. :)
Well, no need to beat around the bush, might as well explain: My thesis is due in a few days, after that I'll be done with my studies, so this is already stressful enough. On Sunday night my father died, so my brothers and I had to deal with all the paperwork, book flights to Greece and deal with the preparations for the funeral.
No worries, I'm fine. My father had dementia and it had gotten pretty bad in the last year. He finally found peace and he wouldn't want to continue suffering for no reason. There wasn't anything left of him at the end, so it's for the best. Gotta say, it's a bit weird to be back in Greece for the first time in 13 years though.
Anyway, I'll carry on and once I'm back home and will have access to wifi, I'll be a menace again annoying all of you :p

Thank you. :)
I'm sorry for your loss and I'm sending you and your brothers all my compassion, empathy and sincere condolences. :(

And my prayers to your dad.

If you need to talk, we can do that by the private conversations tool on the forum.

I'm with you in these sad times for you.