Guess the altered Iron Maiden songtitle

No to all.

Picture clue:
Extra clue #1: Two words have been altered. One of the altered words is in the picture, and the other is an unusual term for something else in the picture.

Incorrect guesses: The Rooster, Losfer Words (Big Opry), Chicken Of The Opry
Time’s up.

Picture clue:
Extra clue #1: Two words have been altered. One of the altered words is in the picture, and the other is an unusual term for something else in the picture.

Extra clue #2: The second altered word described in extra clue #1 also has ties to book publishing and boxing

Incorrect guesses: The Rooster, Losfer Words (Big Opry), Chicken Of The Opry, Play With Your Poultry On, Chicken in the Sand
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