'Til Tomorrow
Time’s up.
Clue #1:
Clue #2: The character depicted in clue #1 is not Optimus Prime, but is instead a superior version of a MaidenFan from Eastern Europe
Clue #3: The altered song title has the same number of syllables as the original song title, but fewer words
Clue #4: The original song is from the 1980s and was a single
Clue #5: The altered song title contains 3 words, and two of those words are the name of the character described in clues #1 and #2
Clue #6: The MaidenFan from clue #2 is from Bulgaria, loves black metal, elephants, and long walks on the beach (I assume). The adjective added to his name to match the character from clue #1 is also the name of a Depeche Mode album.
Clue #7: The original song is from Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
Incorrect guesses: (Optimus) Prime Is The Ancient Transformer, The Weaker Robot, Die With Your Bots On, The (Metal) Pilgrim, Judas Beamer Guide, The Robot That Shoot, Spambot Of The Opera, Perun Of The Botpera, Kalata Magnus Valley, Lost In Magnus World
Clue #1:
Clue #3: The altered song title has the same number of syllables as the original song title, but fewer words
Clue #4: The original song is from the 1980s and was a single
Clue #5: The altered song title contains 3 words, and two of those words are the name of the character described in clues #1 and #2
Clue #6: The MaidenFan from clue #2 is from Bulgaria, loves black metal, elephants, and long walks on the beach (I assume). The adjective added to his name to match the character from clue #1 is also the name of a Depeche Mode album.
Clue #7: The original song is from Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son
Incorrect guesses: (Optimus) Prime Is The Ancient Transformer, The Weaker Robot, Die With Your Bots On, The (Metal) Pilgrim, Judas Beamer Guide, The Robot That Shoot, Spambot Of The Opera, Perun Of The Botpera, Kalata Magnus Valley, Lost In Magnus World