Guess the altered Iron Maiden songtitle

Nope, doesn't match clues #2, #3, #4, or #5. Also, I'm not sure how a bird could hold a creek...? :facepalm:
I promise you that my next guess will be more serious. :D Just waiting for a new clue to be offered to me, 'cause I don't have the right to guess twice in a same round. :p
Time's up.

Clue #1:
Clue #2: The original song is from the 1990s

Clue #3: Only 2 letters are altered from the original song title

Clue #4: The original song title contains fewer than 3 words, and the altered song title has the same number of words as the original

Clue #5: What is the character holding, and what is the main thing that he does?

Clue #6: The original song is the first track on its album

Incorrect guesses: The Mail Of The Ancient Roadrunner, The Coyoteness Of The Fast Canyon Roadrunner, Run to the Creek, Run Is The Key, Run In The Borlée's Veins, Be Quick To Be Read, From Creek To Eternity, Sign Of The Prost, Running Creek

OK folks, if you can't figure it out now, then I don't know what to say...