FUNNY / RANDOM / WEIRD Pictures...

Which would make perfect sense…if Germany had African colonies in World War II…and had no laws restricting service in the Wehrmacht on the basis of race.
LooseCannon said:
if Germany had African colonies in World War II…

They surely were in control for some time.

That second argument puzzles me, though. But was this legion of Free Arabs part of the Wehrmacht or were they a "hired" group, thus falling under different laws?
No. Germany never issued control over an African colony. German forces propped up Italian forces. An important political distinction.

And no, I can never recall hearing of a "Free Arab" force. Again, such things would have been under Italian jurisdiction. I have also never heard of the Wehrmacht giving mercenaries uniforms.
So they would be Arab immigrants to the Balkans? That makes a lot of sense then. Those 11 divisions were often of lower quality and of local control, compared to other units.
Foro: The weird thing is a black guy in a Wehrmacht uniform. That's just bizarre.

I mean, I know the background and all (I digged the picture up, after all), but still... how is that not weird?
I admit it looks weird alright. Perhaps the Germans came into a fase where they accepted every help they needed.