Feel free to name an Iron Maiden song that Bruce personally butchers worse than “Weekend Warrior”.
Gangland: Ok... the voice performance isn't where the problem is but the vocal line itself. That being said the fact I can't understand shit of what Bruce's singing on the verses speaks for itself.
No Prayer For The Dying: Such a great song undermined by such a poor vocal performance. Overall it's even more raspy than some of the harsher on FOTD. Besides that Bruce seems to struggle against the world world when he goes up on the end of each verse ("times when I've lied", "you've got nothing to lose", "but never feeling the pain"). Fortunately there's a B-Side live version where the vocal part is countless times better.
Wasting Love: is this the same guy responsible for the state of the art vocals on calm slow down anthems like Tears of A dragon? Omeg? Navigate The Seas Of The Son? Coming Home? Blood Brothers? The beginning of Brave New World? No More Lies? Wild Wind? ... that rasp on "all of our lifes", "tides of time", "the tides of time"... *sigh*
From Here To Eternity: Is this Dickinson trying to pull a Mustaine? Crispy voice appart there are some ridiculous stuff here. In the lyrics comes "More! More! More!" but what I listen to is "Mah! Mah! Mah!". Funny enough there's also this part where I read "Hell!" on the chorus and what is sang (screamed) is something like a croaking "Ewrgh!!!"... OH GOD, why?
Fear Is The Key: Well I also get scared with how awful this song is but it's not a reason for Bruce's voice trembling so much in the verses. Then he goes to a clean great tone and when he pulls the "Passion Was Free"... I would swear that the "Was Free" was dubbed later when Bruce was doing its job at the toilet. I won't even bother pointing the crapload of times the voice goes out of order except for one: when the song is ending Bruce sustains that "Die" with a slight lick at the end really nicely but in the hand that kind of "aaawwwww" is simply laughable.
And then there's a few moments on The Book Of Souls (that are completely understandable, since age is beginning to take its toll (intro of WTRRD,refrain of SOTV, some parts on TRATB and some other moments here and there... but then again: no one can trick father time)