I wish the production was better, but that criticism is one I've had for the last few albums.
Overall, The Final Frontier is decently fine. There aren't any songs I dislike, I thought the band smartly refrained from using repetitive choruses and there were some actual proggy moments throughout the latter-half (I'm still not convinced that there was anything progressive about AMOLAD, unless people think lengthy songs are just inherently progressive). Some of the epics are a bit too bloated, but not offensively so. And I thought "Satellite 15," "Isle of Avalon" and "The Man Who Would Be King" brought a certain uniqueness to the album that separated it from the other reunion albums.
I honestly think Dance of Death is the band's best reunion album, though. DOD is a great guitar album - maybe the best once since Somewhere in Time - that balances between hard rock and heavy metal in an interesting way. Plus, "Paschendale" is the best post-reunion song, in my opinion.
Overall, The Final Frontier is decently fine. There aren't any songs I dislike, I thought the band smartly refrained from using repetitive choruses and there were some actual proggy moments throughout the latter-half (I'm still not convinced that there was anything progressive about AMOLAD, unless people think lengthy songs are just inherently progressive). Some of the epics are a bit too bloated, but not offensively so. And I thought "Satellite 15," "Isle of Avalon" and "The Man Who Would Be King" brought a certain uniqueness to the album that separated it from the other reunion albums.
I honestly think Dance of Death is the band's best reunion album, though. DOD is a great guitar album - maybe the best once since Somewhere in Time - that balances between hard rock and heavy metal in an interesting way. Plus, "Paschendale" is the best post-reunion song, in my opinion.