Europeans are stupid

This thread is great.

Khan: I'm sure you'll agree that there is a reason why Central Europe is what it is, and recognised as such by historians and demographers. There are some brilliant minds on this forum who could explain in all accuracy but it has to do with the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, as well as influences from Germany, and many other things that I'm not even aware of (the 'linguistic isolation' of Hungary being one of them).
@ Serratia: I realize that shared histories, conquest and colonization, religion, language, political structure, Age of Reason, Democracy, the EU, and not least of all geography play or have played a role in Europe's demarcation.

However, where to exactly draw the line, so to speak, has not always been clear.  I have not studied this formally or in depth, so I only speak from the experience of someone who has general knowledge.  For example, Central Europe can be said to have a German influence, as you said.  Countries like Germany and Austria (obviously), Poland, Czech Rep., Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, and even Bosnia and Romania to a degree have these German influences, as far as I know.  I have seen, however, both Serbia and Albania thrown into "Central European" group and as far as I know German influence has never been great in those countries.  Some sources exclude Croatia, but include Slovenia, etc. 

If anyone can point me to a scholarly source dealing with the issue, I'd be grateful. 
Sailor, could you move that thread to its previous course a little bit? You've done it? OK, great.

To Genghis: The international community was outraged with the Serbs, because we had no loby(people, organisations...) to support our interests and side of the story. Bosniaks, on the other hand had a big int. Muslim community to fund their media machine, and pay journalists, reporters... to wright things they wanted the West to hear. Serbs completely lost the media war(which is important, you will agree) because they had not participated in it. We fight on the battlefield, not on newspapers. You think that most of the attrocities were against Bosniaks, because that is what the media told you. Your media got their information from Sarajevo-Bosniak's capital during the war. You say what you say, because you didn't heard our side of the story, I guess.

Remember the joke about Serbs in Ontario forming(possibility of) their own state, you posted a while ago. Well I read something about jokes in a book called The "introduction to the history of conflicts". There is a definition of a political joke(like the one you posted) there: A pretencious political joke is a joke intended to undermine, destroy, or damage the reputation of states, institutions, persons... This kind of joke is a mean of propaganda , and is usually spread verbally.

This is how Bosniaks led the world to think of us as the bad guys:

The commander of our troops in Bosnia agrees to a ceasefire with the Bosniaks. Then a Bosniak soldier or two, opens fire(from a town surrounded by Serbs) against our troops. We fire back, on a larger scale of course, and right after we do, Bosniaks run off to the UN forces and say: Oh, look, the Serbs violated the cease fire, see.
Gorazde is an example of this strategy. In Gorazde the Bosniaks had put several machine guns on a building(which was also the seat of UN forces, and probably the highest building in the town), and opened fire on Serbian soldiers outside of the town. Then Serbs used artillery to fire on that building, and Bosniaks said we deliberately opened fire against the UNF.
NATO bombed our troops only during that war, thus siding on one side against the other. An act they had no right to do. They only used air forces, and no war was won by air superiority only. Wanna know why they didn't send ground troops to fight against the Serbs? Because no son of Germany or France... wanted to die for a Muslim.

The tribunal in Hague has a Bosniak as portparol (PR person). That proves its purpose.
Its purpose(you will call me a supporter of  conspiracy theories) is to be a mechanism for making pressure on Belgrade and our government. Just a theory.
And another thing, the whole image of us as bad guys is partially made in order to transfer the collective guilt of the German nation(WW2) to Serbian nation. Another theory.

To Duke: You really have no knowledge about Balkan history- I guess all those events in the long history of Canada stopped you from gaining knowledge about other parts of the world.
"Killing one another for centuries"- the only killing that went on for centuries was during the Ottoman occupation of Serbia and almost the entire Balkan peninsula. Are you a Muslim extremist, Duke? Are you a Nazi? Pick up a history book every once in a while. We've been defending the European, western, catholic and orthodox christian world since the 14-th century. Have some respect. So we should all kill ourselves, ey? Kill yourself, you hate breeder.
You spread hate with your post, and someone should tell you to shut the fuck up.(Admins, anyone, you, you, anyone)." Deal with it "- I have more important things to worry about, than dealing with your ignorance.

Look at Israel on the map. See the size and the bordering states? If Israel loses a battle it is over for them.

Why are you whining about your troops dying in foreign lands? I mean no disrespect, but haven't you chose to send them there.