European Politics

A team of Nornickel-funded scientists, meanwhile, struck a more optimistic tone with their discovery of the five polluted rivers’ self-cleaning abilities, according to their final report cited by the state-run TASS news agency Wednesday.
“The microflora in the studied waters has adapted to oil products and is able to participate in their decomposition,” said members of the so-called Great Norilsk Expedition organized by the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in August.

^I remember it very well, as well as the 1989 Tbilisi massacre - when the same guy was in charge, except he wasn't a Nobel laureate yet.
I suppose that's one of the reasons I'm so suspicious to anything "left", or related to the Russian Federation of today.
^I remember it very well, as well as the 1989 Tbilisi massacre - when the same guy was in charge, except he wasn't a Nobel laureate yet.
I suppose that's one of the reasons I'm so suspicious to anything "left", or related to the Russian Federation of today.
On the other hand, I suspect Franco's Spain, or reminiscences of it, influenced @GhostofCain 's stance to anything "right".
Funnily enough, I have the impression that on things like religion, abortion, human rights, personal freedom, etc.,
and Maiden albums featuring Blaze
we're unanimous*, which only shows once again what labels are worth actually.
*Fortunately, our sense of humour often differs.
On the other hand, I suspect Franco's Spain, or reminiscences of it, influenced @GhostofCain 's stance to anything "right".
Funnily enough, I have the impression that on things like religion, abortion, human rights, personal freedom, etc.,
and Maiden albums featuring Blaze
we're unanimous*, which only shows once again what labels are worth actually.
*Fortunately, our sense of humour often differs.

You should probably add the Catholic church to the list of things that have shaped my left-wing atheist view of the world, which - by the way - has never aligned with Communist dictatorships. ;)
I did mention religion...

It has a lot to answer for. :)

You did, but in my case it is probably a mix of religion per se and the Catholic church active support of fascist regimes, not only in my native Spain, but all around the world. Franco saw his dictatorship as a crusade sanctioned by the Catholic church.
This week it's 30 years since the Soviet killings in Lithuania. Nobel Piece Prize recipient in charge btw.
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I can clearly remember that and the joy felt when Lithuania became an independent state.

A fantastic result for democracy, but not for basketball (USSR lost some of its best players: Sabonis - my all time idol; I was fortunate to see him play for my hometown team many times, Homicius, Kurtinaitis, Marciulionis...).

Apologies for the off-topic!
It has a lot to answer for. :)

the Catholic church active support of fascist regimes, not only in my native Spain, but all around the world. Franco saw his dictatorship as a crusade sanctioned by the Catholic church.
At least it was in another millennium.
Russian Orthodox church is extremely loyal to Putin's and Lukashenko's regimes right now.
At least it was in another millennium.
Russian Orthodox church is extremely loyal to Putin's and Lukashenko's regimes right now.

You would be surprised how fascist-leaning the Catholic church still is in Spain in the 21st century (not to mention the army...).
Because, you see, in my country the Catholic church has been seen as pro-Western (obviously), and thus opposed to the regime. Not to mention Ukraine recently and Belarus now, or John Paul II's role in communist Poland back then.
Don't get me wrong, not a fan but again, things are never simple.
I'll admit total ignorance here. Really?

Yep. There are exceptions (e.g. priests in some working-class areas), but the Spanish Catholic church is incredibly reactionary. If there were to be another fascist coup in Spain, the Catholic priests would be the ones telling who has to shot by the firing squad, as they did back in the 20th century.

We’ll leave the army for another day (as recently as December 2020 you had generals advocating online to execute millions of Spaniards).
On this day, 29 years ago, the European Community, Bulgaria, Canada, Hungary, Malta, Poland and Switzerland supported Croatian declaration of independence and secession from Yugoslavia. Those countries followed up on German, Icelandic, and Estonian support of late 1991, and Holy See that did it one day earlier. Consequently, one day after, support from Russian Federation, United States, China, Japan, Turkey, Iran, India and Argentina came, and by the end of January 1992 fourty-four countries recognized Croatia as a sovereign country. On 22nd of May 1992 the flag was raised in front of UN in New York.