European Politics

So you're saying the Muslims who denounce the attacks are only doing so to avoid scrutiny themselves?


I have no idea how you came to this conclusion. That's some serious reading compreherension issues right there.
I think Flash was simply stating the simplistic logic that is being applied here, not his own personal point of view.

The point here is: any sane person thinks the attacks were horrific; but Muslims are specifically being expected to denounce these things (and publicly) & hold special views on what's going on because so the logic goes they are Muslim & these terrorists are Muslim. Why do they have to frame their views in the context?
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The scrutiny wouldn't apply the same way, fair enough. But Flash's post seems to suggest that would be the only reason they would denounce the attacks, when in actuality, a lot of Muslims are just as horrified about the attacks, if not more so because they are fuelled by a shared religion.

No it doesn't. That's ridiculous.

It's the reason they have to denounce the attacks. Nobody else has to denounce them. They just do if they please. It should be the same for Muslims, but it isn't. They're pressurized into going into a defensive mode. Which I would think is quite clear in the post but apparently not.
A lot of people hold every Muslim responsible for Islamic terrorism, therefore Muslims are pressured into condemning the attacks.

I mean to a degree, that's correct, but you're implying with that post that that's the only reason they would condemn the attacks, and far from the primary reason as to why they would condemn them.
I mean to a degree, that's correct, but you're implying with that post that that's the only reason they would condemn the attacks, and far from the primary reason as to why they would condemn them.

LOL sure, I'm implying that. Great job reading my mind, congrats. I live in Muslim majority country, my entire family barring one person is Muslim, I've done nothing but argue against Muslim discrimination (ironically, that's what I was doing in the post you reacted to) but sure, I'm saying Muslims are not actually horrified about the terror, they're just pretending to be. And I for some reason don't say it directly. Definitely.

Whenever such terrorist acts are committed I never actually see anybody saying that all Muslims should condemn the perpetrators or apologise for the attacks, but I always see a multitude of articles claiming this is a commonly held viewpoint. Perhaps circumstances are different elsewhere but in England at least it seems like a strawman to be honest.

Good job avoiding the original post I was replying to and taking my post out of context.

It's the reason they have to denounce the attacks. Nobody else has to denounce them. They just do if they please. It should be the same for Muslims, but it isn't. They're pressurized into going into a defensive mode. Which I would think is quite clear in the post but apparently not.

Good job avoiding this reply as well.

What's the worth anyway, you're out here trying to convince me that I said something else than I actually did. Fucking brilliant having someone else in your own mind, questioning what's there, isn't it?
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First things first, calm yourself down. I'm not even going to bother if we're going to delve into personal attack territory.

Your post was very easy to misinterpret, and while I know that's not what you meant (having seen your other posts here), it still seemed very much out of place seeing as that was the only thing you bothered to mention in your post was the fact that Muslims were pressured into denouncing the attacks. Like I said, there's SOME truth to that, but most Muslims are just as vocal and horrified about the attacks without even taking into consideration that they are pressured into it.

I think events on such a scale as Paris, 9/11, 7/7 and the Madrid bombings are obviously going to promote a reaction out of nearly everyone due to their magnitude, and nearly everyone is going to have a negative outlook on it, including Muslims. I just don't think pressure plays as big a role into it as you think, and the fact that it was the only thing you mentioned in your post sounded wrong.
I'm not really sure which post you're implying I 'avoided' Flash, I was principally responding to Forostar's earlier post comparing reactions to terrorist acts committed by Muslims and those committed by Christians.
I'm not really sure which post you're implying I 'avoided' Flash, I was principally responding to Forostar's earlier post comparing reactions to terrorist acts committed by Muslims and those committed by Christians.

I was quoting my response to you to respond to RTC.

I just don't think pressure plays as big a role into it as you think, and the fact that it was the only thing you mentioned in your post sounded wrong.

I never argued on "why Muslims condemn the attacks". That's why you're missing the point here. I was responding to UptTheIrons' statement that argued that pressure was a strawman argument. The discussion wasn't about the degree of importance pressure plays into the condemnation, it was whether there was any pressure in the first place. That's why it was "the only thing I bothered to mention". Because that's what the argument was. Do you expect me to write about everything involved in the situation at all times whether it's the actual subject or not? You're taking my post out of context by ignoring UpTheIrons' argument.

Cried quiet clearly explained what I said there. I don't see the reason why you want to continue misinterpreting it.
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Didn't know where else to post this.

Vojislav Šešelj is a Serbian nationalist politician, writer and lawyer.
He is the founder and president of the far right Serbian Radical Party, and a former member of Serbian Parliament.
As of May 2015 Šešelj is awaiting the verdict for alleged war crimes, having been suspected of involvement in crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in the Hague.
Šešelj was charged with 15 counts of crimes against humanity and violations of the laws or customs or war.
The first of these charges is for persecution of Croatian, Muslim and other non-Serbs in Vukovar, Šamac, Zvornik and Vojvodina.
The other charges include murder, forced deportation, illegal imprisonment, torture and property destruction during the Yugoslav wars.
On 6 November 2014, the ICTY granted Šešelj provisional release.

Now he goes and post this picture on his Twitter account with the caption of "Slaughtering again":

then this one with the caption of "No one's better at slaughter than me":

and this one with the caption of "He who slaughters doesn't mean evil":

@Perun, what's being said in the German press about these "gang sex attacks" that occurred on NY's eve? This story seemed to slip under the radar here in the UK at the time (--& isn't being reported very prominently now, either); but is of sufficient seriousness to have justified far, far more coverage. How is it being reported (or how was it reported) in Germany?

@Forostar, has there been much coverage where you are?; what with it probably being closer to you than Perun.
It's the top story in Germany right now. There's virtually no other topic. I can't say very much right now, but I'll give you some more insight later.
Why is it so quiet here? @Forostar What do you think about the recent events in Germany? I'm reading that majority of those animals are suspected to be illegal immigrants or 'refugees', as some people prefer to call that group... Did it affect your enthusiasm for welcoming 'refugees' in Europe? And in advance: chill, just asking. I'm curious.