I just found the purrfect analogy for my opinion on Helliween @Forostar
Imagine Rembrandt paijting a picture of a Greek temple in a sunset and it's gorgeoue and he gets all the proportions and perspective right abd all that, andvthen he decides to paintbthe temple in FUCKING CYAN AND MAGENTA AND WTF?????
Oh my cod, all the typos... kids, don't type on your smartphone when drubl. The internet is relentless.
Fucking Rembrand didn't paint buildings. except for the mill. But he painted people in all shades of brown and he never used fucking magenta and cyan
Cheers Per. Nonetheless I am looking forward to possibly the most interesting gig of the year. A LONG Helloween concert with Kiske and Hansen with as many underplayed oldies as possible! Hard to beat.
Being in a pub, for one, and drinking lots in an attempt to make the pub quiz tolerable. I only wanted food and drink, not having to listen to a feeble pub quiz with pointless recorded jingles. They had a Harry Potter round ffs.