I don't know the answers to all these questions, Saap...Also why every time I talk to a girl a guy has to hit them over from me?
Also why every time I talk to a girl a guy has to hit them over from me?
Too bad this answet doesnxt aåply to me too. Also,They feel threatened because you're such an awesome guitarist. It's like, how can he be so good at guitar and gets to talk to chicks too?
It;s 6:53 am right now, if that helps. I should have went to bed hours ago**tries to work out time zone**
Know what's better than just drinking alcohol? Drinking alcohol, and mixing some weed with it. Amazing combo. Ironically, it helps increase my alcohol capacity limits.
Can you gess who is frunk? It's Saapanael, and he is drunk as fuck. At least the party was walking distance from my home vbut still a hard walk at thatr. Sadly I didnä't get to talk to the prettiest girls but it wasl close enough. It's fuckin late at the moment (4 AMbut I'm satisfied with the evening.,
Does that mean tomorrow you listen to Tool?toolmorrow