I'm not really drunk, but sitting in a bar considering life, a Sam Adams in my left, dominant hand. A pleasant warmth fills me, though I yet feel a gap in my heart. The local band playing the stage is loud, too loud. It drowns out my friends and brings me memories of a time not so long ago.

I miss you, my friends. Boston was something else, and I've never felt the like before. Of coming into a room of complete strangers yet being completely welcome. It is the stuff poets masturbate to.

Yet when I am lonely, I can always come here. I love you all, even Forostar.

Thank you.
Ever had this feeling that you're drunk and acting rather embarrassingly and you know that you're drunk, which makes it worse, so you want to have a few more beers so that at least you're not aware of how stupidly you're behaving? Did that make any sense?

Bloody Portugal.
@Forostar : You must know, is Golden Earring the greatest Batavian controbution to world culture?

@ all including Foro, is it strange to say that this place is part of my identity?
No because it's part of mine too... It's part of everyone.....

I'm glad to read that. This place has been the only thing constantly with me since before I graduated next to my nerdy interests and now you can read my drunken ramblings LIVE since I hgot mobile interner aint that great?
I've been here for over ten years by now. It would be really weird not to have this board to check every day. So I'd say yes.
@Forostar : You must know, is Golden Earring the greatest Batavian controbution to world culture?
Batavian contribution! Probably not.
@ all including Foro, is it strange to say that this place is part of my identity?
It isn't strange. I think this is an interesting and intriguing place that can surely contribute to one's look at life and at people living it.
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The party has ended but I've only just arrived!

Just returned from a wedding reception out in the middle of the desert on a cloudy night during a full moon. And I'm lit up nice n' toasty.