SHit! I didn't realiez how much nmy friend Sctoch affected me. Or effected? I dont' care about greammer. My typing is shit righ tnow. Ha! :lol:
Yeah, I think Ir eally ahd waaay too much scotch to drink. I"m surpriseed I havne't passed out yet. I may have but a little but but I'm not not sure if I did or not. Fuck, I shoudl stopt typing i I htink maybe?
I know IM posting in here alot but sometone needs to make up for not somany posts in here. I'm druinkand I'm posting in here because this is the drunk posting thread and this is hwere post like mine goe. Im sad tha most o f you are not here. Time zoones stuck. To all my ove rseas friends, i love you and I love all my States/North American friends too. I love all ofyou here because you're all just reall awesome people who I identfy with more thatn my regular friends.
The scotch I had? It was this:
