Dream Theater

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After thinking about this some, I'm not sure if I expect this to hit the USA. I vaguely remember an interview done over the summer where someone (I want to say JLB ) said there were plans to tour The Astonishing through 2017. Maybe they booked these European shows and are last minute deciding not to do Astonishing performances? If that's the case, there probably won't be a USA leg. Might also be a tough sell to management after the poor ticket sales.
I think it's exactly what they need though, they really need to turn back to the past and play some of those songs live, Images and Words would be a good place to start!

DT is one of my favorite bands, I want to see them pretty badly. I definitely would have went this year, but you couldn't pay me to see The Astonishing live. I really regret missing the Along For the Ride tour, such an amazing set list! Whatever they do next, I'll go.. just as long as it has nothing to do with The Astonishing..
Yea that's the other major concern. Will they play Take the Time as it is on the album? I don't think they have in over 10 years.
But perhaps a more interesting question: Is I&W in its entirety enough for @Night Prowler to go to a Dream Theater show if they come near him?
Depends on the cost of tickets and which country would be the closest. I'd go to all the neighbouring countries. Maybe Austria and Slovenia.

Weirdly enough, while I prefer I&W as an album, I think SFAM would be a better choice because it'd be easier for LaBrie.
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I agree, and it would be a more immersive experience since it's a concept album and all. I&W was before they started putting much thought into the flow of their albums. For example, I think UAGM is a better concert opener than Pull Me Under, and having Metropolis in the middle is kind of weird.
Over the years I think I've seen them play every song from I&W live except Take the Time. Still, this would be an amazing show and one I'd surely go to. Just leave off all the Astonishing stuff... some of those songs work well in the context of the album, but not solo. Same goes for SFAM stuff, too.

My guess is they'll do all of I&W followed by (or preceded by) one song from every other album.
The Astonishing tour sales have been poor?

The first leg, no, the sales were great. I believe most shows sold out. The second leg, however, where they played secondary markets within driving distance of everywhere they played on the first leg - yes. They've been doing flash ticket sales, Groupon deals, discounts galore, etc. just to fill the places and now their throwing 3 classic songs into the encore and cutting 2-3 Astonishing tracks to entice fans to attend.
I can't imagine they'll do a full album tour with another concept album this close to The Astonishing. I bet we get this I&W tour through summer 2017, then back to the studio for a new album and a complete world tour without a specific theme - just your standard DT set with songs from every album + 3-4 new tracks. Then maayyyybe this:

Live Scenes vol. 2 would be absolutely mental. Maybe in three years for the 20th anniversary?
I hope this doesn't scare them away from showcasing new music.

BTW this tour is a perfect opportunity to play STR and The Bigger Picture Live.
If they announced a SFAM tour I would cry.
I would too... if it is as good as Operation: Mindcrime 2 is to the original record. Sadly, I think they don't have it in them anymore to compose really good music (I have been waiting since SDOIT or possibly the song "Octavarium")
I doubt it. But I'm sure it will scare them away from showcasing entire new albums live and from writing another concept album for at least 10 years.
It's not a major concern of mine although by far their most popular tour during the Mangini era had a heavy focus on older albums (Awake/Scenes). That was a great setlist but I hope they go back to something more balanced for the next album while still making the newest album the focus.