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No need to switch you headphones around, that's crazy talk. Just put them on normally but turn round...
I completely agree. The minutes leading up to it are sorrowful and emotional, then BOOM! we've suddenly been warped to Phrygian wankery that doesn't fit the song AT ALL. Then it comes back in and it's big and epic and grand again, and it feels like those few minutes in the middle drag the song WAY down.
This posting will show I am too picky but...When watching Dream Theater live, the guitarist John is on my right. Yet when listening to a studio recording, when a song has a break and only the guitar is playing, the guitar is in the left channel.
Unfortunatly that is probably how the band is thinking which I think is backwards and self centered because the band plays for the audience so the finished product should be recorded to be played back to our vantage point.I think you and Dream Theater differ on the definition of Dream Theater. To Dream Theater, those few minutes of Phrygian wankery are the point of their entire existence.
Yes, but from John Petrucci's point of view, he's always on the left. And from John Petrucci's point of view, John Petrucci's point of view is the only point of view.
Unfortunatly that is probably how the band is thinking which I think is backwards and self centered because the band plays for the audience so the finished product should be recorded to be played back to our vantage point.
I'm having trouble being excited for it. I just don't think it's gonna be very good.
you could make an argument about Fatal Tragedy, too)
What do you mean, you could ...Fatal Tragedy is one of the best songs there. Strange Deja-Vu also kicks ass! This is what new DT needs the most actually - something as ass kicking as the songs on Scenes.Not a fucking Sci-fi drama.
OK, I'm biased. I was first introduced to DT in 1999 when the Scenes album came out and everyone was flipping out over The Dance of Eternity. DT used to be a super talented group who knew how to be extraordinaire musically while still kicking ass and being part of the metal scene. That's why people loved early DT.
Why were they flipping out over The Dance of Eternity in particular?
This. Some of the descriptions on there (A swing section? Sign me up!) have you really got me excited.On the contrary, I have become quite excited.