Dream Theater

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I did the exact same thing yesterday! I think Disc 1 is mostly good, with "The Glass Prison" being one of the best Dream Theater songs ever. Whereas Disc 2, I just think is ridiculous.

I understand it's a concept, but there are so many bad ideas and absurd choices that it boggles my mind. First of all, the pure pretension required to say that all 8 tracks are supposedly 1 song is insane. Different songs fading into each other does not a 42 minute song make. Other than the reprise of "About to Crash", there is very little that ties the "song" together. "War Inside My Head" is good but all too brief and "The Test That Stumped Them All" is really cool, up until the obnoxious vocal roleplaying starts happening. "Overture" is silly, bombastic, and completely pointless; as far as I can tell, it references none of the musical passages present throughout the rest of the song (like a proper overture). "Goodnight Kiss" is one of the worst things I've ever heard from DT, just plain bad. I do not get this album.
:huh: We must be listening to two different songs. The Overture references every single theme and every movement (or song or whatever you want to call it) is based around a theme already established in the overture. There's nothing in the Overture that doesn't come back later on. They aren't subtle about it either, those are pretty obvious reprises. I like to think of it as suite more than one song. But I always listen to it as one song anyway.

@Mosh what is so good about this album?
I like it because it's their most experimental album. Every song is really new territory for them and is its own flavor. Obviously it's a lot to take in one sitting, so it's definitely a grower. It really has the best blend of technicality and musicality. I know a lot of fans who tend to like one disc more than the other, so maybe you fall into that camp. I like both about equally though. Maybe disc one slightly more. As for live performances, check out the title track being performed with a real orchestra at Radio City Music Hall. It's pretty awesome.
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I will definitely check it out, but for now I plan to listen to Octavarium, it will be the eighth album I've heard.
Couldn't think of a more appropriate 8th album. Enjoy!
Blind Faith would also be in my top ten. Dunno about Misunderstood but it gets 5 stars from me nonetheless (Just like every other song on 6DOIT).
I finally listened to Scenes From A Memory, even though I've heard most of the songs before (out of context), and I really, really enjoyed it. There are some great songs and some great vocals. This is LaBrie's wheelhouse. There's a lot of heavy, but also a lot of very melodic passages that allow breathing room for him to really sing. Lighter DT = more enjoyable LaBrie.

But, then again, Train of Thought is my favorite DT album, so go figure o_O
From two weeks ago.
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Nice! Petrucci seems to have skipped the gym for a while, his transformation into a bear seems to have stopped :D
He should just cut his hair again, he looked cool with short hair. He looked cool with long hair too in the 90's but now it just makes him look like a slob. Oh well, as long as his guitar playing doesn't share the same fate as his hairline.
Only 18 days remaining for the album and still no snippets apart from the one from Enigma Machine. They're not going to the same thing they did with ADTOE, it seems. Shame.
Flash that Enigma Machine snippet is fake.

Wouldn't be surprised anyway. I'm desperately looking for something that enlightens the album but nothing so far. Snippets got me very excited for the last album.

Edit : By the way almost all fake snippets I've heard sounded fantastic. Interesting. Got me thinking about what songs they actually were.
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Eh, I'd rather be surprised. There's a video with JP and JLB that went up yesterday where they say a few things about each track, it's pretty interesting. (Edit:

Some people on the DT forum tracked down the original songs that those fake snippets are from, a few people really liked them but I thought it sounded like a generic DT ripoff like Circus Maximus or Bad Salad.
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@Mosh That's awesome!
Really looking forward to Behind the Veil, Surrender to Reason, and Illumination Theory
Along For The Ride will be streamed for all to hear on Monday. I'll be skipping this one, want the rest of the album to be a surprise.
I don't know which snippets you've heard though, Mosh. Snippets I've heard sounded nothing technical.