Dokken & Lynch Mob (and related bands)

So, according to this podcast, the upcoming Casandra’s Crossing album was originally going to be the second Dirty Shirley album, but Dino Jelusić wasn’t going to be the singer on it for some reason. A couple of chance meetings between George and Casandra led to him offering her the vocal spot on the album, and I guess they chose to rebrand the project afterward.
Never cared much for Lynch Mob or any Pilson material, neither for Don solo.
To me, only the old Dokken albums had true appeal. It is sad to see what ego can do to bands, throwing it all down the drain because of personality problems. They definitely were the best hair metal band out there.

The old Dokken/Lynch feud is tragic. Lynch is one of those musicians who just can't be part of a successful band and be happy with it. Always resenting the focus that lay on Don.
The guys in HIM managed to handle this so much better (no, I don't like HIM, but I respect them). 95% of the media and audience attention always was kn Ville Valo, and the the other 4 guys had to divide the remaining 5% of the spotlight. But they did not care, they just accepted the fact. They knew how important they were, they knew that Villes popularity did not change that importance, and most essential of all, they knew they were important also if the rest of the world did not acknowledge it. So they just enjoyed playing heir music, getting pretty good money and enjoyed going to a restaurant without being harassed. Unlike Ville who got a camera stuffed in his face whenever he sneezed.
This is total professionalism, and also healthy self confidence.

Sadly, Lynch never got to that point. He was vital amd essential to Dokken, and everyone knew it, even the mainstream public. But it was Dokkens name on the cover, on the shirts, on the backdrops. Don got all the focus, and Lynch always saw what he was missing instead of what he got.
To this day I wonder: if getting spotlight is so essential to you (which is okay), then why on earth join a band that is literally named after the singer? Mind you, it is not a band that was started by equals and then the singer grabbed all the attention. That sure would be frustrating, but Dokken was focused and and centered aorund Don from day one. It was all about Don, and everybody knew it. Why join such a band when you hate to be second row?
Lynch had basically 2 choices: 1) accept he facts, stay and be ok with it, or 2) don't accept it, leave and do something else. Both totally fine. Yet he decided for a third option, the problematic one: don't accept it, but still stay. And that spawned the evil ghost that haunts their careers for how long now? 35 years?

I am not trying to paint Lynch as the sole bad guy here. I know that Don has a giant ego too, always downplaying the role of everyone else. God knows I could not work with that guy either. But the point is: Don set the rules on day one and never tried to hide them. I am the king, and you are the pawn, even if you work better than me. Everyone joining him knew it. So from that perspective, I think the feud is indeed mainly Lynchs fault, despite Don being difficult. You can not join the band of a narcissist and then complain about getting sidelined.
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Well put.

Even with 5% vocal capacity left compared to his prime, the last album was recognizeable Dokken. Jon Levin plays almost exactly like Lynch, maybe a bit more precise and less chaotic.

It was never Lynch guitarplaying which made Dokken great. It was everything, including that.

Sounds like Lynch is intentionally pumping the brakes on his studio output because he feels like he’s retreading too much musical ground, which may be true.

Surprised to read that another Lynch Mob studio album is in the works, because I thought he said Babylon was going to be the last one…?