Could a (healthy) 1980s Dianno handle the Bruce material?


Educated Fool
I have listened to some of Diannos 80's stuff and it seemed his voice actually got even better (for a short period)after Maiden. Rather than the slightly gruffer style of singing he was sounding quite operatic.

Do you think in another universe a healthy, drug free 1980 Diannos could have sung the Bruce material? I used to assume it would be slightly too demanding but Paul was a brilliant vocalist.
I think he could have handled parts of NOTB yes but Bruce (and later Nicko) allowed them to go beyond the NWOBHM thing in a way that Paul wouldn’t have been capable of. I’m not sure if they replace Paul later down the line but I also don’t think Maiden is more of a success in the long term than, for example, Saxon.
No, I don’t think so. Maybe some songs and parts here and there. But we would not have songs like Revelations, Powerslave and many other songs would be very different without Bruce’s song writing
Paul was good and he could sing some Bruce songs but I would say that he would not be able to pull it off in a long term. Also - he doesnt have Bruce songwriting and storytelling skills. So, in general, I would say that maybe he would be able to do ~30% of material with high possibility to end like Blaze after tour.
The stuff on Children Of Madness is quite good and there Paul sings very melodic so I´m quite convinced he could´ve made some songs sounding at least as good as the Bruce versions.
It’s more than just range and technique with Bruce. Bruce knows how to tell a story with his singing. Even if Paul could somehow hit every note (he can’t) he’d never match the oratory expression from Bruce’s material. He might do some songs ok, the shorter, more direct songs. But he can’t do Mariner, or Pakrement, or Hell on Earth, or Empire, or Revelations, or Stranger on a Strange Man, or Juanita, or Seventh Son….etc etc.