Bruce Dickinson

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This leads me to believe that Future Past is finished this year, and they have a two year hits tour planned that could see the end of Maiden as we know them today.
I sat next to someone at the O2 last year who was apparently friends with Maiden’s accountant (I can hear the rolling eyes from here), and he said something along the lines of ‘they have everything planned to the end of 2026’. Maybe he wasn’t bullshitting.
It seems to be an intentional of way of marketing the new stuff to me. Lots of fans speculated that Adrian would be on Mandrake despite no real reason to expect such a thing. Bruce is aware of this and probably doesn’t want fans to think they’re getting a lesser product because of Adrian’s absence. It’s pretty lame though and seems like he was intentionally “forgetting” that Adrian wrote several songs including singles for those albums.
I doubt it's because of this, but it's really weird (and ridiculous) that Bruce is ''forgetting'' that Adrian not only wrote, but improved the songs for which he had solos on with his overall playing. Even only with the presence of a 2nd guitar. The album had pretty good marketing. Adrian = quality. Always!
Also is there some revisionist history in there? I thought Bruce insisted that Adrian return to Maiden as well and that was his idea initially. Now it’s something that happened separately? I don’t get that at all. Were Maiden going to take Adrian but not Bruce? I doubt it.
I think it's just that the meetings happened separately. I also think Steve always wanted Adrian back in the band. He values him as a songwriter very highly.
And I can see that H wouldn't have wanted to be a part of a vocal compilation project that is The Mandrake Project (albeit a good one).
A ''vocal compilation project'' is fair enough, but Bruce's solo style was never about long melodic passages like in Maiden.
Well I wouldn’t go that far. It’s not like Adrian had any creative control over AOB or CW. Stating that TOS or Mandrake would come out that much different is a huge stretch imo.
I agree here, but with Adrian the new album (TOS is perfect for me) would certainly had a bit more short melodic interludes (like the one in Days, for example) and at least solos for every song.
With that being said Bruce has written better songs than Adrian on his own.
I agree.
I sat next to someone at the O2 last year who was apparently friends with Maiden’s accountant (I can hear the rolling eyes from here), and he said something along the lines of ‘they have everything planned to the end of 2026’. Maybe he wasn’t bullshitting.
But that has to be bullshit. The accountant of a band has a non-disclosure agreement and doesn't tell friends, yes, and for 2026 this and that is in the books...
If someone was really that unprofessional, who would still work with them?
Frankly, regarding the whole Adrian business, I feel like Bruce is simply being a bit of an egotistical cunt. Somebody probably ought to remind him the only hit songs he's ever co-written in Maiden were with Adrian, and more specifically he wrote lyrics to Adrian's music. As evidenced by SiT, this wasn't necessarily required either and Adrian could easily write single material in the 80s all by himself. I bet that chafes on Bruce's ego sometimes.
Adrian only did that for one album. He needed Bruce, too.
Well I wouldn’t go that far. It’s not like Adrian had any creative control over AOB or CW. Stating that TOS or Mandrake would come out that much different is a huge stretch imo.
Creative control or not, no H on an album results in quite different overall sound. I highly doubt that H's involment on AOB and especially TCW was just "Record your parts and let us finish this." Also Bruce's statement about recording just solos on AOB is bullshit as he recorded most of the guitars for Road To Hell and probably Welcome To The Pit too. Maybe he didn't write much, but I am certain that Roy asked him about the sound of the records at least. And we know that Roy respects Adrian a lot.

It's the same with Maiden. Steve has the musical control over the band, but Adrian has quite a bit of say in it. We know from interviews that even in recent years, there have been smaller arguments about the band's sound, especially The Final Frontier, between them.
It seems to be an intentional of way of marketing the new stuff to me. Lots of fans speculated that Adrian would be on Mandrake despite no real reason to expect such a thing. Bruce is aware of this and probably doesn’t want fans to think they’re getting a lesser product because of Adrian’s absence. It’s pretty lame though and seems like he was intentionally “forgetting” that Adrian wrote several songs including singles for those albums.

I don't think it is a clever marketing strategy. If fans remember it differently it will irritate them. Some will then take the time to look it up in older articles/interviews and the rest will then read about the contradictions in a forum like this one.
Bruce seems to have made a complete 180 from that text he wrote about H for the old IM website.

The fact is that H is an amazing quality control. Without H, we have Fear Of The Dark instead of Seventh Son. We have Tyranny Of Souls instead of Chemical Wedding. As simple as that. And I can see that H wouldn't have wanted to be a part of a vocal compilation project that is The Mandrake Project (albeit a good one).
Eh, both FOTD and SSOASS are in my top 5 and I almost prefer TOS to TCW so I disagree with him being "amazing quality control". He's a great guitarist and works well when songwriting with Bruce (and Steve). Just don't let him write with Steve alone, they consistently deliver some of my least favorite songs.
Creative control or not, no H on an album results in quite different overall sound.
For sure, it's always important to have Adrian on an album. I'm really curious now if a song/s written by Bruce and Roy (it seems they write and blend ideas perfectly and quickly, with no additional changes like no solos for most of the songs on the new album) were shown to Adrian for advice or opinion back then. When they write for Maiden, I think Adrian needs Bruce (*he wrote parts of the music for Writing, too).
Bruce at the comics event. His comics look like high quality, don't they?

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The comics make me think about something. If TMP had 12 songs (like the comic chapters, odd decision by him), and the 2 additional songs were in the classic solo style of Bruce (the song Nightmares comes to mind again; along with 6/7 songs from the album) - then I feel like that would have been enough for the album to not be so different and be improved upon. I think a proper title track, especially with this theme (in the vein and length of Book Of Thel for example, with 2 solos and a longer harmony), was needed and would have united the album and given it a centerpiece (plus a complete story). Now that role is probably played by Eternity Has Failed, but that will always be more of a Maiden song for me. If only the album had a bonus song...
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Creative control or not, no H on an album results in quite different overall sound. I highly doubt that H's involment on AOB and especially TCW was just "Record your parts and let us finish this." Also Bruce's statement about recording just solos on AOB is bullshit as he recorded most of the guitars for Road To Hell and probably Welcome To The Pit too. Maybe he didn't write much, but I am certain that Roy asked him about the sound of the records at least. And we know that Roy respects Adrian a lot.

Hear, hear!

And he did write quite a bit for those albums, including two of the singles! Road to Hell, Welcome to the Pit, Ghost of Cain, Killing Floor, Machine Men, and Return of the King are all Adrian Smith songs and it shows.
For sure, it's always important to have Adrian on an album. I'm really curious now if a song/s written by Bruce and Roy (it seems they write and blend ideas perfectly and quickly, with no additional changes like no solos for most of the songs on the new album) were shown to Adrian for advice or opinion back then. When they write for Maiden, I think Adrian needs Bruce.
Actually, for Maiden, if I remember correctly, Adrian builds a demo and then Bruce comes and visits him at his home studio and they discuss things and themes.

IIRC Adrian even supplied Bruce with titles for both Speed Of Light and Death Or Glory (likely, they were demo titles) and Bruce wrote the lyrics to those titles. Maybe that was even the case with Writing On The Wall and Darkest Hour (unlikely with the last one IMO). My feeling is that Adrian just can't be bothered to write lyrics anymore (and maybe feels like Bruce is better at it), so he gives Bruce a title or a snippet and lets him run with it.
I am looking forward to the tour although I somehow feel the musicians on stage will be wrong, without Roy.

Does someone know if the T-shirt he wears here is part of the Mandrake Project merch? I think it looks great.

By the way, Bruce is not married to "a French girl" as he says in the interview posted above. What a strange thing to say.

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Dominum will be Bruce's opening band in Germany.

Too bad, I thought he would let us vote because we also could vote for songs.
(On the other hand, I don't have an Instagram account anyway.)


By the way, Bruce is not married to "a French girl" as he says in the interview posted above. What a strange thing to say.
I know what you mean, thought the same. Yes, I know, sometimes it is used differently, but I have also mainly learned this definitions:

Source Oxford Languages

a female child or adolescent.
"a six-year-old girl"

a young or relatively young woman.
"I haven't got the time to meet girls"
Whether you realize it or not but Bruce Dickinson released a new solo album called "The Mandrake Project" on March 1 2024. It is his first solo album since 2005, when he released "Tyranny Of Souls".
