So great to read stuff like - ''
a true masterpiece and masterful adventure''. Or: ''
different from its predecessors, heavy side, melancholic melodies, variable rhythms, surprising riffs, versatile vocals and brand new things on a Bruce album''.
It's cool to hear that Resurrection Men will have a
Janick-esque riff too. I'm worried about the intro though, I hope it's good. It seems this is indeed a very different song for Bruce and I hope its heavy instrumental section is not
short. Using
lyrics from
If Eternity Should Fail is curious (I wonder if they're sung with the same vocal melody) - and I think this again shows that this song is the hidden title track of the album. It will be fitting since it contains some experimentation, a trademark of the album, it seems. Also, it seems (as expected because we have quite a few examples with other solo songs of Bruce) that some of the intros will be repeated as outros. Bruce really need to stop saying Steve's songs are repetitive.
Symphonic vibe and
high vocals for Fingers In The Wounds, great! I hope it's a fast short rocker.
Mistress Of Mercy is one of the songs that reviews have drawn comparisons to various older songs of Bruce. King In Crimson, Starchildren, Machine Men, Maiden's Starblind in the solo - heavy and melodic is my guess. It should be faster, right? Also,
solos? I like that you mentioned solos (not ''a solo'') for some of the songs. That's so great to hear. And I would prefer the chorus to be more like Maiden's
Face In The Sand than Age Of Innocence.
Shadow Of The Gods - Bruce's best vocal performance, chanting vocals, heavy vocal part,
Chemical Wedding/The Alchemist vibe, beautiful song - what's not to like here, sounds like an instant classic.
Eternity Has Failed - similar intro, lyrics and melody -> I really hoped for something more different. It seems the chorus will have more different lyrics
and be longer. Nice. The instrumental section should be a total classic.
I feel Face In The Mirror will be a gem. Man Of Sorrows vibe, peaceful and melodic, acoustic and piano parts. Bruce does a
Janick-type of solo! This is very curious.
You compared Sonata with
The Alchemist, Eternal and Maiden's Journeyman, so I should like it, but ''never really takes off'' for 10 minutes, idk. It should be a special and
emotional closer. Cyclops-style of vocals should be good. It seems the chorus lyrics will be very repetitive and Bruce should deliver with the vocal melody big time. Hint of Taking The Queen and Return Of The King in the lyrics is fitting. And Roy with a Dave-esque solo is cool. He's good at that.
Many Doors To Hell - Bruce shines, Purple's Burn vibe (but minus the speed). I don't like this, I really hope this is (a much needed) fast song as #2 on the album. Also, 2 songs in a row with a 70's vibe.
Contemporary expression of Bruce Dickinson, not a reboot of his previous solo albums, combining all of his previous solo albums sounds but creating its own innovative design, thus transcending all of his previous works. Sidereal album.
^What a great way to end the review.