Bruce Dickinson

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Fear Of The Dark has a great production with a unique atmosphere and is a fantastic album. The only song that sucks it The Apparition, the rest range from fun to amazing. Easy top 5 album.
I love the album , not top 5 but some great great stuff there. The title track, BE QUICK OR BE DEAD, JUDAS BE MY GUIDE, AFRAID TO SHOOT STRANGERS, CHILDHOOD'S END (so underrated). The Apparition is the fucking worst Maiden Song ever. It's not even a Song LOL
I'm not a huge Judas Priest fan, only own a handful albums, but appreciate and love a few of their songs. The production of their recent releases is how modern heavy metal should sound like, in my opinion.

In a perfect world we'd get Judas Priest's production with the songwriting of Iron Maiden.

On the other hand, hell would be having Priest's songwriting with Maiden's production :D
Though I understand the production issues with the reunion albums I still think they are not that bad. However, someone needs to shake Steve into rethinking their approach. I agree with @Vaenyr. It would be interesting to hear Priest style production with Maiden. But I have to have that clankety sounding bass :edmetal:
Though I understand the production issues with the reunion albums I still think they are not that bad. However, someone needs to shake Steve into rethinking their approach. I agree with @Vaenyr. It would be interesting to hear Priest style production with Maiden. But I have to have that clankety sounding bass :edmetal:
I like how the first four reunion albums sound like for the most part. TBOS sounds a bit better than SNJ for me, but both albums have issues in how they were recorded, for me at least. But don't wanna derail too much :)
Though I understand the production issues with the reunion albums I still think they are not that bad. However, someone needs to shake Steve into rethinking their approach. I agree with @Vaenyr. It would be interesting to hear Priest style production with Maiden. But I have to have that clankety sounding bass :edmetal:
Andy Sneap produced albums all sound the same. I kind of like it, but not for Maiden
If Bruce in one of his interviews linked here "proudly shows his wedding band", why can't I as someone whose hobby is jewelery write that I don't think it is very fashionable or suits him?
As I said, I find it weird because I don't wear jewelry and I just don't care about what wedding rings people wear.

What I didn't mention was that people don't think when they are planning their wedding, whether their wedding ring will be cool enough for being on stage, and certainly they don't change their wedding rings to suit their stage presence for each concert.

But also as I said, some people are into jewelry, It's just not my thing.
Honestly, I find it much weirder how sometimes the opinions of other members are ciritised on this board, too negative, too this, too that. Why not just write you disagree or if a topic does not interest you, don't comment at all..
If people are going to freely offer up criticisms, then they ought to be open to receiving criticisms.
Don't be thinned skinned if you are going to throw rocks.
Fear Of The Dark has a great production with a unique atmosphere and is a fantastic album. The only song that sucks it The Apparition, the rest range from fun to amazing. Easy top 5 album.
I don't like much of Fear of the Dark.
The title track is great though. Be quick or be dead is unique and interesting. Afraid to shoot strangers is pretty decent, but I don't think it has staying power (i.e. it was really enjoyable when first released, but I'm quite bored of it now). Most of the other songs are forgettable.
If Bruce in one of his interviews linked here "proudly shows his wedding band", why can't I as someone whose hobby is jewelery write that I don't think it is very fashionable or suits him?

I have never cared about rings (I am married and do not have one as we did not exchange rings), but I wonder where did Bruce’s previous wedding rings go? Were they melted and are now an appendix in Black Bart? Have they been added to a plane simulator at Caerdav?
I don't like much of Fear of the Dark.
The title track is great though. Be quick or be dead is unique and interesting. Afraid to shoot strangers is pretty decent, but I don't think it has staying power (i.e. it was really enjoyable when first released, but I'm quite bored of it now). Most of the other songs are forgettable.

It is an album that could have been great with just 8 songs, but way back then Bruce and Steve were too worried about being seen as a current band. Are AC/DC massive after Thunderstruck? Let’s write From Here to Eternity to jump on the bandwagon! Are metal ballads a way to reach massive audiences? Let’s pen Wasting Love and see if we can get a massive boost in sales!
It is an album that could have been great with just 8 songs, but way back then Bruce and Steve were too worried about being seen as a current band. Are AC/DC massive after Thunderstruck? Let’s write From Here to Eternity to jump on the bandwagon! Are metal ballads a way to reach massive audiences? Let’s pen Wasting Love and see if we can get a massive boost in sales!
Agree about 8 songs.
From Here To Eternity may be a AC/DC wannabe tune but nonetheless it's a great rocking song in my book. Unlike Wasting Love and other filler songs.
It is an album that could have been great with just 8 songs, but way back then Bruce and Steve were too worried about being seen as a current band. Are AC/DC massive after Thunderstruck? Let’s write From Here to Eternity to jump on the bandwagon! Are metal ballads a way to reach massive audiences? Let’s pen Wasting Love and see if we can get a massive boost in sales!
Wasting Love is OK, From here to eternity isn't good
Apparation isn't good
Fugitive isn't good
Fear is the key isn't good
Chains of misery isn't good

Overall, I'd be happy just having the "Fear of the Dark" song and throwing away all the rest.
Not enough good songs for an EP. Just release the single, album cover art is fantastic would have been great art for a single.