Bruce Dickinson

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@Kalata Thanks for sharing those interviews. That being said, I am slightly concerned about Bruce’s memory. When asked about the Three Tremors project here, this is what he replies:

“We had promoters salivating and people could see dollar signs. It was a great idea, but I didn't want to do it unless it was not just a commercial great idea, but an artistic great idea. I love Rob, I love Ronnie. And why they would want me, I don't know. Then Ronnie unfortunately got sick and passed away. So it was mooted that maybe [original Queensrÿche singer] Geoff Tate might fill in. We had a few meetings with Geoff, and I think the minds didn't quite meet in the way that I thought they should, so it was obvious that probably wasn’t going to work”.

Ronnie James Dio passed away in 2010, 10 years after they had discussed the project with Geoff Tate! :lol:

Edit: the same thing is repeated here :facepalm:
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If you’re worried about your order not turning up then use Spotify or Apple Music or any number of legitimate streaming services to listen to the album. There’s no defence using a pirated leak.
Way to misread my comment. I'm not worried on when it will arrive. I explained that people can drop dead at any minute and that "wHy CaN't yOu WaIt???" is an idiotic argument. Stop with the strawmen and actually engage with the point in good faith.

You have stolen the album. Who cares if you’ve ordered a normal copy or not you’ve still feed the pirates and made it easier for others who won’t buy the album to listen to it free.

There’s no excuse to listen to a pirated leak other than your too impatient and actually a bit selfish.
First of all, who the fuck cares if I'm selfish or not? I can be as selfish as I want ;)
Secondly, in Germany it's legal to make copies of music you own. While the same doesn't exactly apply to leaks, the effective difference is minimal. I bought the album, I support the artist. By the time the album arrives at my home it will be entirely irrelevant if I ever listened to the leak or not since I will be owning my own copy of the album. So what if I listened to it a week early? Nothing changes effectively.

And no, I'm not "feeding the pirates". I didn't even visit one of those websites, so they didn't even receive traffic from my end. This is a meaningless statement, an illogical point that falls apart the moment you think about it, because it's entirely emotional without any factual basis.

If it makes you feel better to attack other people for their choices so that you can feel morally superior, be my guest I guess. To me it's just meaningless grandstanding and frankly quite embarrassing.
@Kalata Thanks for sharing those interviews. That being said, I am slightly concerned about Bruce’s memory. When asked about the Three Tremors project here, this is what he replies:

“We had promoters salivating and people could see dollar signs. It was a great idea, but I didn't want to do it unless it was not just a commercial great idea, but an artistic great idea. I love Rob, I love Ronnie. And why they would want me, I don't know. Then Ronnie unfortunately got sick and passed away. So it was mooted that maybe [original Queensrÿche singer] Geoff Tate might fill in. We had a few meetings with Geoff, and I think the minds didn't quite meet in the way that I thought they should, so it was obvious that probably wasn’t going to work”.

Ronnie James Dio passed away in 2010, 10 years after they had discussed the project with Geoff Tate! :lol:

Edit: the same thing is repeated here :facepalm:

5 years after Tyranny of Souls too!
1) I have in the past copied albums yes
2) so using a recipe that is in a book I’ve purchased or on a website that has published it for the intention of it being used is stealing someone else’s property? :rolleyes::facepalm:
1) So you've made copy of someone else work. Same with leaks - it is a copy. Nothing else.
2) Did anyone said that? I'm just asking if you ever copied them in any capacity - if so, again, you've copied someone else work - just like with downloading album. But let's say that you didn't copied them - you've went to a website and used recipe. How can you tell that this recipe was created by publisher and not copied from someone else website?

If you don't see difference between stealing (taking something from someone so he can't use it/have less copies) and copying (making 1:1 version of something) then I think that discussion about leaks is waste of time, because leak is nothing else than "listening before release date which was set by marketing department" and as marketing guy I'm happy that this arbitary date is law for you. :-)
The way I see it the argument boils down to a couple of things:

A.) "You feed the pirates". Objectively incorrect. The action of listening to a leak does not automatically support pirates in any way.

B.) "You stole something". Rings pretty hollow considering that I've already purchased the album and I'm waiting for it to arrive. The money for it has already left my balance.

This leaves only one thing that's different and that's that people who listen to the leak get to hear the music early. And I ask, so what?
Back in 2019 I received my pre-ordered copy of Kingdom Hearts III 4 days early. My copy of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth that officially released today arrived yesterday already. You bet your ass I didn't wait until the arbitrary release date to play them.

Cast all the moral judgements that you want, but I'll continue purchasing the albums, going to the shows, buying shirts (won't buy the comics because I couldn't care less about them though), and I will listen to a leak if given the chance. Life isn't fair and I think a multi millionaire will survive if I listen to his songs a week early.

Also, fun fact: Back in 2003 Bruce himself accidently leaked Dance Of Death before its release, where he broadcasted it over the airplane radio while flying. So, how about we all chill out a bit? ;)
This is ridiculous. "Boohooo, fans have listened to the album leak and it doesn't matter if they purchase it, it's pirating."

Premise 1: People who buy Bruce's record pay for the creation, manufacturing, PR and the distribution and thus aid in recouping the costs and towards a profit.

Premise 2: Somebody who listens to a pirated leak and elects not to stream or purchase the album does not aid in recouping costs and making profits.

... If you deduce from these two premises, then you certainly cannot claim it doesn't matter if you buy it after you listen to a leak. Premise 2 is also the fundamental argument made against piracy (and is valid). But Vaenyr, I and others are paying for the album. Those that pretend it doesn't matter is just doing so because it fits the argument to do so, or a moral code not entirely based on the fundamental criticism of piracy, not because it follows a chain of logic.

I have bought this album, and all other albums he has released in his career. Jump off your high horse.

Edit: And Mariner, do you live in a country that applies a fee to harddrives, phone storage, writable CD:s etcetera, paid by the consumer? Because some countries, like Sweden for instance, do that, with the explicit purpose of compensating for personal copies (rips, which is legal), or do you live in a country that does not? Because then, your personal copies are a pretty shitty move by your personal moral code.
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Also an interesting thought to consider as a counterpoint to this whole tedious argument: I have not listened to the leak, but on the other hand I didn't buy the album and have no plans to do so either. I'm just going to stream it when it releases on Apple Music. If I like it, I might listen to it more than once.

A perfectly legitimate consumer who will make Bruce fractions of a penny at best vs. people who made the "immoral" choice to listen to the leak who also bought the album and probably made him a few quid at least. I wonder who's the better customer from his perspective?
Dont know if this was done before by any band I know.
I doubt it. I have to say that because of the quality of Bruce's voice it worked out really well. It was an odd idea at first. You almost can't tell. I think for Sonata the added things are the 2nd verse, the solo and the high vocal parts.

On the other hand, the songs with some vocals from 2014 are imo: Shadow, Mirror, Eternity.

Since Bruce had mentioned many times that he and Roy always have demos/leftovers (they wrote around 20 songs for TMP), I'm sure they always had ideas from one album to another. And according to Bruce, they can write an album fairly quickly (I believe that). Given another interview, they have the core for the next album, at least the music without solos, and when they release it, maybe Bruce won't re-record his vocals again. So the development of the songs is not that long. For example, they wrote the first 2 songs in one day.
This I cannot deny if I want to about Maiden sounding unique. Sometimes they just sound like a rock band & not metal. Their sound is definitely unique. Sometimes find it hard to compare them to other metal bands. They’re just in a league of their own.
Maiden are truly unique and special (sound, writing, even solos)! But I wouldn't say rock.
@Kalata Thanks for sharing those interviews.
My pleasure.

The making of The Mandrake Project
What a cool inside the studio and writing process video. I never thought I would see such a thing for his solo career. Wow. With Roy and Dave. Roy with one of his guitars used in 1999 live. Cool stuff. Maybe there will be more short videos like this after the release, but I doubt it. Bruce is really committed to the writing, he even has an opinion about Roy's solos.
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What a cool inside the studio and writing process video. I never thought I would see such a thing for his solo career. Wow. With Roy and Dave. Roy with one of his guitars used in 1999 live. Cool stuff. Maybe there will be more short videos like this after the release, but I doubt it. Bruce is really committed to the writing.
Oh, the Fernandes. No wonder, as it has a Sustainer, so it was probably used for specific things.

Was played on The Tower in 1998.

IIRC he still has that 3 pickup natural LP Custom with Bill Lawrences too (had EMG's on AOB tour, where it was tuned to standard, 1998 was either baritone or drop B ).
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I haven't heard a note from this album yet outside of the two singles, so I'm looking forward to hearing the whole thing tomorrow finally.

None of my physical pre-orders have even shipped yet, so thank goodness for streaming! I'll be up bright and early getting a few listens in! It's not quite Maiden excitement for me but pretty close.
I haven't heard a note from this album yet outside of the two singles, so I'm looking forward to hearing the whole thing tomorrow finally.

None of my physical pre-orders have even shipped yet, so thank goodness for streaming! I'll be up bright and early getting a few listens in! It's not quite Maiden excitement for me but pretty close.
I’ll be up at 5 listening before everyone else gets up. I’ll then spend all day teaching kids how to sing a song from the album. Not sure how that will go down with 6 year olds…
I'm just now listening to the songs, they seem to be released on Youtube. Strangely they were released over 8 hours ago and have like 10-20 views already. Wow!

So far everything sounds pretty great.
Standouts so far are Ressurrection men and perhaps Sonata - I like the spoken word parts.,
I prefer Bruce's version of Eternity has failed. Love the solo/instrumental section and the intro.
Many doors to hell doesn't seem so great, don't like the vocal layering.

Haven't heard all the songs yet though.

Certainly better than the Tattooed Millionaire and Balls to Picasso albums.