Bruce Dickinson

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I cannot help but laugh when I read people talking about “real music” to belittle other styles of music they do not like. I have lost count of the number of times this happened to me as a metalhead in my teenage years: “That is not music, that is noise” they would say, whilst praising real music I should be listening to.

Moreover, the music industry wants to make money regardless of musical style. Why do you think Maiden/Bruce release their albums in different formats? They count on the faithful buying all of them, so instead of one copy of the album they have created they can sell six!

Cynical ramblings of an old fart over. :lol:
I'll wait for a bargain 6 months after the release and buy just the cd if it likes me. Or wait for the 2cd years later
I think everybody started doing this kind of things with singles, maxisingles, picture discs, cd singles, pt 1, pt 2… Thank God I'm not collector anymore. I'm still thinking why the f**k I have a plated box set with an untouched parchment and a glass inside. :lol:
I think everybody started doing this kind of things with singles, maxisingles, picture discs, cd singles, pt 1, pt 2… Thank God I'm not collector anymore. I'm still thinking why the f**k I have a plated box set with an untouched parchment and a glass inside. :lol:

That 2002 parchment is still miles better than the 2021 one!
If Maiden fans are real Maiden fans, they always buy Maiden official products even after having downloaded leaked records. I think most of Maiden fans are buying Maiden stuff. So, the real explanation of why Steve Harris and Maiden crew are not hiring a "better" producer than Kevin Shirley is not money but the fact that Kevin is the one who can make Maiden like Maiden. Plus the fact that Steve is a great fan of 70's prog rock and metal and wants to have the same sound on Maiden albums.

The real problem about metal records selling less is rap music, techno music and all that modern shit that is bringing young people to hear a lot of shit on the radio and appreciate it instead of loving real music like rock, hard rock, metal, blues, classical, jazz and folk music. That's the real problem, and the cause is the music industry which wants to make money by producing shitty "artists and bands" that aren't real artists and bands.
I was with you for your first paragraph but vehemently disagree with the second. Music, just like any art form, is purely subjective. There is no "real" music. Lord knows there are more rock and metal bands than sand on a beach that create music that I don't enjoy in the least. On the other hand there are some pop or hip hop artists who I respect and who have created music I enjoyed. I despise 99% of country. That doesn't stop Taylor Swift's debut album from being a fun pop-country record.

This elitism is what gives rock and metal fans a bad name and drives away "young people". We always pretend that we are open and welcoming; that we are appreciators of music and that rock and metal fans are like a family. Must be a shitty family if we disown members for liking the "wrong" things. Alright, I've gone far enough with the metaphor, but I hope you understand what I mean. There is nothing inherently more real about the genres you mentioned than the ones you claim to not be real music. I'll never be the biggest fan of rap, because the vast majority of the genre relies on beats instead of real instruments and the latter is something I value a lot in music. That doesn't mean that there are absolutely no good rap songs or that rap artists aren't deserving of respect. The way they write their rhymes is admirable (and even more impressive when they freestyle) and their breath control is fascinating to me. I'm a vocalist as well and while I'm doing fine with singing, I've tried rapping along to a couple of songs and was out of breath almost immediately. Turns out rapping is a lot more than just talking and not everyone can just do it. It's a skill that takes work.

I was at a birthday the other day and the playlist was playing some modern metal, metalcore, djent type stuff. I was bored out of my mind and I'll never listen to any of those bands in my free time, but that simply means that they don't appeal to my subjective tastes. That doesn't suddenly make them not real music.
Hell, you mentioned classical music. Have you listened to contemporary classical pieces? There are some wildly experimental pieces where you can genuinely argue if they're even music on the basis of not using any musical instruments and just making noises with various items; or sitting silently in front of a piano for 4 minutes and 33 seconds in the case of John Cage.

At the end of the day, just like with anything in art, for me it comes down to a very simple question: Do I enjoy what I hear? That's it. I don't care about the genre. I don't care if the vocals are sung, screamed or rapped. I don't care if the bassist is playing with his fingers, with a pick or if it's a synth. I don't care if a song is 3 minutes long or 10. As long as I like what I'm hearing I'm happy. If not I'll just move on to something else. Hell, my favorite song of all time isn't even a rock or metal song; it's a freaking pop song, because it features fantastic vocal performances and harmonies. Try to be more open minded, or at least to not make such sweeping generalizations. You might find something that you'll like that you never knew could happen.
I was with you for your first paragraph but vehemently disagree with the second. Music, just like any art form, is purely subjective. There is no "real" music. Lord knows there are more rock and metal bands than sand on a beach that create music that I don't enjoy in the least. On the other hand there are some pop or hip hop artists who I respect and who have created music I enjoyed. I despise 99% of country. That doesn't stop Taylor Swift's debut album from being a fun pop-country record.

This elitism is what gives rock and metal fans a bad name and drives away "young people". We always pretend that we are open and welcoming; that we are appreciators of music and that rock and metal fans are like a family. Must be a shitty family if we disown members for liking the "wrong" things. Alright, I've gone far enough with the metaphor, but I hope you understand what I mean. There is nothing inherently more real about the genres you mentioned than the ones you claim to not be real music. I'll never be the biggest fan of rap, because the vast majority of the genre relies on beats instead of real instruments and the latter is something I value a lot in music. That doesn't mean that there are absolutely no good rap songs or that rap artists aren't deserving of respect. The way they write their rhymes is admirable (and even more impressive when they freestyle) and their breath control is fascinating to me. I'm a vocalist as well and while I'm doing fine with singing, I've tried rapping along to a couple of songs and was out of breath almost immediately. Turns out rapping is a lot more than just talking and not everyone can just do it. It's a skill that takes work.

I was at a birthday the other day and the playlist was playing some modern metal, metalcore, djent type stuff. I was bored out of my mind and I'll never listen to any of those bands in my free time, but that simply means that they don't appeal to my subjective tastes. That doesn't suddenly make them not real music.
Hell, you mentioned classical music. Have you listened to contemporary classical pieces? There are some wildly experimental pieces where you can genuinely argue if they're even music on the basis of not using any musical instruments and just making noises with various items; or sitting silently in front of a piano for 4 minutes and 33 seconds in the case of John Cage.

At the end of the day, just like with anything in art, for me it comes down to a very simple question: Do I enjoy what I hear? That's it. I don't care about the genre. I don't care if the vocals are sung, screamed or rapped. I don't care if the bassist is playing with his fingers, with a pick or if it's a synth. I don't care if a song is 3 minutes long or 10. As long as I like what I'm hearing I'm happy. If not I'll just move on to something else. Hell, my favorite song of all time isn't even a rock or metal song; it's a freaking pop song, because it features fantastic vocal performances and harmonies. Try to be more open minded, or at least to not make such sweeping generalizations. You might find something that you'll like that you never knew could happen.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
6 albums that changed Bruce's life (the answers are from a few days ago when he was promoting the solo album in Brazil):

Deep Purple - In Rock (1970)
Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath (1970)
Jethro Tull - Aqualung (1971)
Rainbow - Rising (1976)
Black Sabbath - Heaven And Hell (1980)
Iron Maiden - The Number Of The Beast (1982)
Can't be seen clearly enough (looks like it's a dark scene again), but would you say that there is one big additional artwork in the booklet? Like the one for Senjutsu.

I hope so. Something new for Bruce. Like the artworks for every song in the TOS booklet.


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I think everybody started doing this kind of things with singles, maxisingles, picture discs, cd singles, pt 1, pt 2… Thank God I'm not collector anymore. I'm still thinking why the f**k I have a plated box set with an untouched parchment and a glass inside. :lol:

Everybody do it much worse than Maiden do. The Rolling Stones have 50+ different version of their new LP
Everybody??? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Senjutsu and Nights of the Dead were a bad sign in having multiple colour vinyls but that's the first times they've done that, most bands have been selling multiple vinyl versions for years, plus a re-press 6 months later with bonus tracks in more colours.

A mate just bought the Darkness Permission to Land box set 5 lps for €180. They havent started this shit yet either.

I collect the Maiden new releases on all formats. I didnt buy the Senjutsu FC box as it was scandalous, and if they start down the road of box sets of already available material for hundreds of quid I might not bother with getting them either.
You do realize that a giant swath of heavy metal talks about those exact same things, right…?
I know, but NOT ONLY. As Iron Maiden do, for example, there is also history and philosophy, science and really intellectual stuff also. NOT ONLY sex, violence, drugs and shit like that. ;) The best example of what I'm saying here is Sabaton. Just history, history and the consequences of history. No sex, no violence, no drugs, no cars, no bling bling and that's what I like in music : history, philosophy, science, metaphysics, environment, nature... ;)
Excuse me people, but making "music" with a computer or with a rhythm box is not doing music. It's just to have fun with something that has nothing to do with music. Plus the fact that rap and techno are absolutely not intellectually oriented and make (I see it daily in France) people becoming stupid when they listen to them everyday. The educational level decreases drastically each year in France. That's because most of pupils or students are listening to rap, techno and electropop which are talking about sex, violence, rebellion and bling bling things. So, for me, there are shit styles of "music". That's it. In comparison, the best pupils and students in France are the one who listen to heavy metal, classical music, jazz and blues. That's not a judgement from me, but an observation. And the one from some of my friends who are teachers in schools, high schools and universities. I must add that when I was a teenager, I've listened to techno, rap, reggae and dance music. But growing older made me realize that there's nothing more interesting and artistical than all the music like metal, classical, jazz, folk and blues. So, I have the right to write what I've written in my previous posts, because I know what I'm talking about. ;)
Correlation does not imply causation.

I will never understand why people try so hard to gate keep music and to tell others what music is and what music isn't.

Oh, one more thing - without sex there would be literally no history so I would say that there is nothing more human than that. :-)
Correlation does not imply causation.

I will never understand why people try so hard to gate keep music and to tell others what music is and what music isn't.
Because music, at least for me, implies musicians playing real instruments. Not computer programming. ;) And because music, at least for me also, implies singers who can really sing right and not using of vocoder or stuff like that. ;)
I will never understand why people try so hard to gate keep music and to tell others what music is and what music isn't.

Oh, one more thing - without sex there would be literally no history so I would say that there is nothing more human than that. :)
And I will never understand people trying to defend which is litteraly indefendable when they are real music lovers : rap, techno and stuff like that.

And one more thing : there's no need to be as obsessed by sex to feel the need to talk about that constantly in songs. Sex is a microscopic part of the history but I understand that most of wars in history originated from sex stories like, for example, this queen held her king's husband by the balls to force him to steal the kingdom of the other king she coveted. ;)

Like occult themes, I'm tired of sex themes in music. By force, we know all the positions and aspects of this... :rolleyes:
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Ok - what define 'real' instrument?
Guitars, bass, acoustic drums, and non-triggered human voice. Violins, saxophones, trumpets, cellos, etc... All the tools used by humans for centuries to create sounds by themselves and not with AI or a simple computer. ;) The definition is so simple, in fact. :p