Excuse me people, but making "music" with a computer or with a rhythm box is not doing music. It's just to have fun with something that has nothing to do with music. Plus the fact that rap and techno are absolutely not intellectually oriented and make (I see it daily in France) people becoming stupid when they listen to them everyday. The educational level decreases drastically each year in France. That's because most of pupils or students are listening to rap, techno and electropop which are talking about sex, violence, rebellion and bling bling things. So, for me, there are shit styles of "music". That's it. In comparison, the best pupils and students in France are the one who listen to heavy metal, classical music, jazz and blues. That's not a judgement from me, but an observation. And the one from some of my friends who are teachers in schools, high schools and universities. I must add that when I was a teenager, I've listened to techno, rap, reggae and dance music. But growing older made me realize that there's nothing more interesting and artistical than all the music like metal, classical, jazz, folk and blues. So, I have the right to write what I've written in my previous posts, because I know what I'm talking about.