Bruce Dickinson

He's had a haircut since that video was recorded...
So Roy Z shares this on his FB page, with the comment "Gee, I wonder why that happened!".
He posted more comments in the comments section:
"We can all blame Kerrang!
They said we were making better records than the Blaze fronted Maiden and that was that!"
"Sometimes you can make songs that are so good the powers that be don't want them to come out! We wouldn't want the brand name to look lame!"
"We have new songs that no one will hear because , because!!!!!!"

I am afraid I don't understand any of these three comments. I'll go to his FB and see if that makes a difference. :)
Maybe I'm wrong, but he seems to allude to some songs he composed with Bruce and that have not been released yet. And he imagines that this is due to some kind of pressure from the Maiden management (the "powers"), because his music is soooo much better than Maiden's.
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Or maybe Bruce simply isn't interested in releasing it at the moment.

I'm confused as well, what is the point of all this?
He's clearly pissed off about it, dunno what's holding him/Bruce back from releasing the songs if they have them.
Its a bit strange that Roy Z would air dirty laundry like this on FB...perhaps he hopes this will put pressure on people to release the songs...who knows what he's thinking? All I can hope is that it doesn't get in the way of another solo Bruce album coming out in the near future!
We were expecting some Bruce solo material to come out this year. Perhaps it's ready and being held back.
Way too early to go here, but I am anyway - if Rod/Steve is squelching some Bruce solo material without Bruce's support, that doesn't bode well for the future of Maiden.
PRR and British Lion would indicate that's not likely the case.
Another way too early to go, but I am anyway:

Perhaps Bruce wants to tour (and not just a few gigs) right after the release of his solo album. If that tour doesn't fit in Rod's/Maiden's plans, then perhaps Bruce/Roy Z have decided to wait with releasing the album until a better moment to tour arrives.
He seems to mean that noone will EVER hear the new music, or am I giving too much importance to the last sentence of his ?