Blaze was a fantastic frontman during the Wolfsbane days. After he was announced for Maiden, I deep-dived into the band, bought all the albums I could find, and was genuinely excited with what a sort of "wildman" vocalist and personality could do in Maiden, because that's sort of how he came across to me in his vocal style.
We all know how it played out. I'm still a fan of each stage of his career, but I think he just never found a comfortable role in Maiden. With Maiden onstage, there was sadly no sign of the crazy Wolfsbane Blaze. According to him in the At the End of the Day book, that was partly due to his tour-long fight with the crew's monitor guy, which kept him mostly stuck in the center of the stage so he could hear the monitors properly. This was fixed on VXI Tour with his in-ear monitors, so he moved way more and sang generally better, but the crazy Woflsbane Blaze was gone by that point...or Steve didn't want that Blaze onstage.
In most magazine interviews, Steve was most often there alongside Blaze now, whereas back in the day, Bruce was the guy handling the vast majority of interviews. From my (possibly wrong) viewpoint, it seemed like during that period, Steve got his band back, and Blaze kind of settled in as just another band member and not the true Frontman with a capital "F" like Bruce was and insisted that he be (as evidenced in the History interview bit where Bruce details his onstage scuffles with Steve about where his place on the stage is, etc.).