Blaze Bayley

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Rock News Desk) Former Iron Maiden singer Blaze Bayley has announced he's shutting down his self-titled solo band, citing "financial and medical reasons."
In a brief statement Bailey says: "Due to financial and medical reasons I've been forced to part ways with the band. I will give full details in the next few days about my future plans.

"The English dates will be postponed to December but the festivals in Germany, Sweden, Lithuania and the show in Istanbul will definitely proceed
Ah, that's horrible. I hope that whatever is causing this isn't too rough on Blaze; obviously if he has medical issues, that will not help the poor guy out financially.

Why doesn't maiden help him out any? Like putting him on a tour. After all, he did get the bad end of the reunion deal.
bearfan said: ... sons.shtml

Rock News Desk) Former Iron Maiden singer Blaze Bayley has announced he's shutting down his self-titled solo band, citing "financial and medical reasons."
In a brief statement Bailey says: "Due to financial and medical reasons I've been forced to part ways with the band. I will give full details in the next few days about my future plans.

"The English dates will be postponed to December but the festivals in Germany, Sweden, Lithuania and the show in Istanbul will definitely proceed
Damn ! It isn't fair !

I've seen them few days ago on Belgium for the second time (again a small gig, 60-70 people or so) and Blaze was the man. Fantastic concert, and all the band is very kind and natural at the end of the gig. And it's truely a shame that a great band like that have to stop while Slayer (which I saw the next day along with Megadeth) is still making tour. If I could choose, I'd rather see slayer stop than Blaze
Stallion Duck said:
Why doesn't maiden help him out any? Like putting him on a tour. After all, he did get the bad end of the reunion deal.

That would certainly be nice of them. And if this is serious, I really hope Maiden will help him out a little. After all, they have done so for Clive Burr.
Stallion Duck said:
Why doesn't maiden help him out any? Like putting him on a tour. After all, he did get the bad end of the reunion deal.

maybe they are or will, think it is a bit early to say one way or the other without knowing what his medical problem is. 

If it is something serious like Clive, I would suspect Maiden would do something for him, but for all we know he has a bad knee or something that needs some work.  I would have liked to have seen a Blaze show, but I cannot imagine that was a very profitable venture for Blaze to start with.
bearfan said:
maybe they are or will, think it is a bit early to say one way or the other without knowing what his medical problem is. 

If it is something serious like Clive, I would suspect Maiden would do something for him, but for all we know he has a bad knee or something that needs some work.  I would have liked to have seen a Blaze show, but I cannot imagine that was a very profitable venture for Blaze to start with.
Not just his health problems. Just to support his solo career. The fact that Maiden spent the last 12 or so years ignoring him is kind of sad.
I'm not sure what they can really do there.  Bruce had him on his BBC show, but really it is up to Blaze to make his career standout.  He does have the advantage (as Paul did and Bruce when he was gone) of being able to but ex-Iron Maiden singer on bills and draw from the Maiden fan base. 
It's too bad that he decided to dissolve the band, I hope it's nothing serious regarding his health.

As for Maiden, I'd say that they weren't all that helpful. They could have hired him as an opening act on a few tours, at least. Also, he stated in an interview that they scheduled Brave New World to be released just one week after his debut solo album, which also didn't help his sales at the time.
Blaze got a raw deal from Sanctuary too, who really kaiboshed a lot of what he could do and sank him pretty hard.

All that being said, Blaze, unfortunately, never was the draw he should have been - the draw I think he deserved. Three of his four albums are fantastic, and the fourth of them is pretty darn good, I think. His live shows have been pretty good, the boots have been kind too. just never went right. I think he made some bad decisions; he should have distanced himself from Maiden quickly, but it really feels like he never got rolling.

I bought the two new albums on iTunes today, just so he gets a bit more cash. Thanks, Blaze.
LooseCannon said:
Blaze got a raw deal from Sanctuary too, who really kaiboshed a lot of what he could do and sank him pretty hard.

All that being said, Blaze, unfortunately, never was the draw he should have been - the draw I think he deserved. Three of his four albums are fantastic, and the fourth of them is pretty darn good, I think. His live shows have been pretty good, the boots have been kind too. just never went right. I think he made some bad decisions; he should have distanced himself from Maiden quickly, but it really feels like he never got rolling.

I bought the two new albums on iTunes today, just so he gets a bit more cash. Thanks, Blaze.
Five studio albums*  :P
Very sad news indeed. His solo albums are very good, in fact all of them are better than the two albums he did with Maiden. Is one of the best 'new' real Heavy Metal bands disappearing for good...?
Silicon Messiah and which one?  I think Blood and Belief and Tenth Dimension are both awesome. Not  that much of a fan of The Man Who Would not Die, but his latest is a pretty good one too.
Silicon Messiah, Tenth Dimension, and Promise and Terror are all fucking incredible. Then Blood and Belief, and slightly below that is The Man Who Would Not Die.
We don't know if they offered him support that he rejected.
1. The Man Who Would Not Die
2. Promise And Terror
3. Blood And Belief
4. Silicon Messiah
5. Tenth Dimension

'Tenth Dimension' is the only one I don't really like. Anyway, his live album 'As Live As It Gets' is one of the best Metal albums ever.
Cosmiceddie said:
1. The Man Who Would Not Die
2. Promise And Terror
3. Blood And Belief
4. Silicon Messiah
5. Tenth Dimension

'Tenth Dimension' is the only one I don't really like. Anyway, his live album 'As Live As It Gets' is one of the best Metal albums ever.
We have distictively different rankings.  :D