Thanks Perun, for confirming that it is something weird about the mix. I'm not good at sound technician terminology so I was wondering if I was saying the right thing. And in Russian Holiday, its not only that the lyrics are ridiculously over-dramatic, but they fall awkwardly on the music. This is a problem that occurs in Steve-written epics but Bruce seems better able to cover them than Blaze. I took another listen to Stealing Time and again, I think its the best suited to an acoustic rendition and the musicians do a great job, but again, Blaze is out of tune and way too loud so its really noticeable...and then they do that awkward thing where he belts out the chorus with no instruments in the background. I dunno, I realize I come off as very critical of this EP, but I do like the effort and the instrumentalists work, and I wish for Blaze's sake that it helps his career, but there are problems with it that I can't ignore and bother me.