Blaze Bayley

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Blaze releasing a solo album, and then Bruce releasing a solo album a week later?

That said, it's a good song that continues the sound from War Within Me (for good or bad, depending on how polished you like Blaze's vocals--me, it's noticeable, but not distracting). The amazing part for me is that the video doesn't reek of being...let's say noticeably low-budget, which can't really be said of his videos from the Absolva era. Love it, definitely hyped for the release.
I dig the single. I like the vocals, particularly the chorus melody. Blaze sounds great. The instrumental arrangement is a bit simplistic, though, and perhaps doesn't do 100% justice to the overall idea for the song. Looking forward to the rest of the album. The cover is pretty nice, but the guy with a flying v ruins it... :D
Not to shitsling and compare, but this Blaze single is way more fun than Bruce's single and I think (relative to his voice) he sounds miles better. Good for Blaze.
An actual instrumental section/melodies and longer solo/s can do (save the song) this. They both sound great. Blaze's vocals are polished.
I think his current sound probably suits him best. I just hope the album won't be more of the same; not that it's bad, but with 2 guitarists he can now do more complex songs and parts.
I hope he tours in North America again soon. Unfortunately, given his recent health issues, I'm not sure if that's in the cards. (For what it's worth, the turnout at the Toronto, Canada shows in 2017 and 2018 were dismal - surely that doesn't help).
Ah, when you toured in that silly lil' Maiden band of yours, then the Balkans were good for you, eh?
But now, when you made a name for yourself, you don't need silly lil' Maiden band and you don't need Balkans, eh?

Please come Blaze.
I'd trade both Avril Lavigne and Lenny Kravitz gigs for yours.
I'll even throw a Corey Talyor gig.
Just do something, it's starting to look like a daft summer.