Great selections, mckindog. Especially #4.

Unlike the other bands we do survivors for, I
do have a ranking of all Guns N' Roses songs, and TWAT actually places at #3.
And good to see you enjoyed the Carrie song. It's one of my favorite songs of hers, and she actually has a strong catalog.
I actually forgot Van Halen's album came out this year. I thought it came out last year. Time is going by too slowly.

So for albums:
1. Rush - Clockwork Angels
I'm not sure if it's necessarily my favorite release (it's hard to tell since I actually stan really hard for Carrie Underwood; she's my favorite female singer), but I honestly believe it's the best release of the year. I love all the songs on it, it's creative, it's a great "comeback" album (I don't actually believe they've had an awful enough time period to call it a real comeback), and it's got some of the band's best tunes. The Garden alone propels this album into my top 2. Its only flaw is that it sounds a little muddy, but the songs themselves are good enough for me to overlook that.
2. Carrie Underwood - Blown Away
To be quite honest, I would've loved this album no matter what, but it really is a good album. Even though it's not filler-free like her first two albums, the highs on this album annihilate all of country music,
especially the first six tracks. I placed it in the #2 spot because it has her most boring songs of all-time, but even with that, I think it's the best country album to come out this year. This also proves further that the Grammys are ignorant, but we already knew that.
3. Bob Dylan - Tempest
It's not his best work, but it's really solid, and a solid Bob Dylan album is still stronger than most albums.
4. Van Halen - A Different Kind of Truth
If there tattoo removal from an album existed, this would actually be my favorite album of theirs.
5. Little Big Town - Tornado
Their best album, and it's about time they started getting credit. The album only has one filler (the opening track), and it contains one of the best songs on the radio right now (the title track). It's their strongest effort to date, and I hope this propels them to country superstardom at last.
I also loved the Black Keys's album and Bruce Springsteen's album, but I'm not sure what year those came out and I'm too lazy to check Google or Wikipedia, so I'll just leave them here.