Believe in Astrology? Yes or Not?

I don't either believe or disbelieve this, what would be interesting to see correlations between personality test and the natal chart. One is psychology, other is astrology, one maybe more serious than the other but both are poo science.

Also there are patterns that one can experience, and those are patterns, real patterns at least for my environment, where characteristic attributes of a zodiac sign are displayed by someone.
I don't either believe or disbelieve this, what would be interesting to see correlations between personality test and the natal chart. One is psychology, other is astrology, one maybe more serious than the other but both are poo science.

Also there are patterns that one can experience, and those are patterns, real patterns at least for my environment, where characteristic attributes of a zodiac sign are displayed by someone.
My Astronomy professor did this with us back in Uni and well.... it's BS. Surprise, surprise. He had us read 12 little paragraphs describing someone and asked, "Which one best describes you?" Everyone said, "All of them contain a little bit of truth, but none FULLY describe me." He said, "Those are astrological sign "personality" descriptions. So if you thought you were a typical Gemini, You're either more of a Leo or your really neither.... "

And to be fair, there have been a few studies saying that the Myers-Briggs test, the grand daddy of personality tests, isn't all that conclusive either.
You do not believe in astrology, you do not believe in god because you have no proof. what the hell do you believe? where do you get power from? from science; where do you actually find her at an early stage? the elixir of youth is not to be found by science.

Iron Maiden - Different World​

Tell me what you can hear
And then tell me what you see
Everybody has a different way
To view the world

I would like you to know
When you see the simple things
To appreciate this life
It's not too late to learn"
God has nothing to do with astrology.
The subject of astrology is very misunderstood. there is no practical proof that it works ... it is a matter of faith ...
Let's say that astrology is valid, it could be a gift from God to man!
A nice song that has a nice lesson is this ...
about her magic, spells, and astrology!

Candlemass - A Sorcerer's Pledge​

Time stands still in these ancient halls
Only the castle itself can tell what it keeps
Dark are the secrets between these walls
Hidden in shadows of death, while the sorcerer sleeps

Where is the morning, where is the sun
Thousand years of midnight, the sunrise is gone

An old man marked by a life so long
is sleeping so sweet
while his magic is growing so strong
Waiting still for new times to come
A thousand years to see if he has won

Where is the morning, where is the sun
A thousand years of midnight, the sunrise is gone

What has he done?
Why is he sleeping so long?
He wants to live for evermore
Soon is he young
When will he open his eyes?
When he is strong enough to rule

Back in the time goes the legend
of a sorcerer so old
He drank the blood of the virgin to be reborn
"Soon a tyrant will conquer"
So spoke the wise
Of the day when the sorcerer will rise

Blood is his wine
The sorcerer is cheating time
And he'll be stronger than before
Cursed be the sun
The women will weep for his fun
In the name of his magic so strong

Back in the time goes the legend
Of a sorcerer so old
He drank the blood of a virgin to be reborn
"Soon a tyrant will conquer"
So spoke the wise
Of the day when the sorcerer will rise
... Rise

A thousand years have gone
Armageddon hasn't come
Only the cry of a child echoes in the dark
Backward goes time
As the stars are passing by
And nothing remains
of this foolish man except his fate
"Weather pains, weather-related pain, or meteoropathy is a phenomenon that occurs when people with conditions such as arthritis or limb injuries claim to feel pain, particularly with changes in barometric pressure, humidity or other weather phenomena.[citation needed] Scientific evidence, however, does not support a connection between weather and pain, and concludes that it is largely or entirely due to perceptual errors such as confirmation bias.[1][2]"

Here's the deal. The radio that's sponsored by health industry, e.g. legit practices and hospitals and such, has a meteoropathy "prognosis" daily. It's not bullshit and although nobody has invested in the science behind it, it's a historical thing where I come from. Some centuries ago if a particular wind was blowing when you did murder it would be taken into account. If you think this don't affect you then you must be here to experience it. It really feels like sky has been lowered and you can feel the pressure above your eyes.

The rapid changes in atmosphere around us are the bane of sportsmen and an additional risk factor at injuries. It's just a fact that local people live by and work by.

Not many parallels to astrology here but still something that I feel is quite not understood because it is irrelevant for a lot of people. Most of the people on Earth live day by day surviving and thinking about 'bad weather' comes to Star Trek level of entitlement, and then there's a large part living in non volatile areas.

Volatile in terms of exchange. Atmosphere exchange. In one afternoon, you can get a change from air sourced from the Alpine tops to air sourced from African desert.

For me there's no doubt about it, weather is sus, it can fuck you up both physically and mentally, yet outsiders are totally oblivious to this because of their lack of experience.
"Weather pains, weather-related pain, or meteoropathy is a phenomenon that occurs when people with conditions such as arthritis or limb injuries claim to feel pain, particularly with changes in barometric pressure, humidity or other weather phenomena.[citation needed] Scientific evidence, however, does not support a connection between weather and pain, and concludes that it is largely or entirely due to perceptual errors such as confirmation bias.[1][2]"
Interesting. science goes ahead and justifies. I am scared of all these researches ....
I can agree with that.

No, it's just not black and white.
I'm looking for the right stimulus. to help me search and immerse myself in a research on a topic ..
this thirst for my learning has been given by the maiden!
to form my own worldview about the world.
I think I'm not alone in this. all people are looking for answers!