Band Members Favorite Maiden Albums?

I thought people liked this one :(
I like it - great intro, melodies (like in the whole album) and the instrumental part after the repetition of the chorus is fantastic.... - I remember reading a quote from Steve about that fast instrumental part and he said that Janick was not too sure about that part.
That's true. Steve also said that his favorite live songs are HBTN and TETMD. About the other band members favorite songs - I remember reading an interview in which Janick pointed out COTD, SSOASS and DLTTEOAS as his three favorite songs. Bruce likes HBTN and ROTAM (the latter is his favorite live song... he said that in Flight 666 documentary, if I'm not mistaken). Adrian's favorite solos are in TWM and TOAC. Nicko probably likes the most WED. Dave, he likes all songs. I think we can say that HBTN is the favorite song of the whole band.
About favorite songs, in DOTR documentary, Adrian said that ''Prodigal Son'' is one of his favorite songs. I had forgotten about it. And iirc - ''Wrathchild'' (in an interview in 2010), ''The Longest Day'' (AMOLAD documentary), ''Stratego'' (in an interview before the release of the album) and ''Wasted Years'' and ''Stranger In A Strange Land'' (maybe ''Paschendale'' too), I guess. For Bruce, we should also add ''Phantom Of The Opera'', I think.
I remember to see a vídeo interview to all of them in pairs. I think it was a swedish tv circa 2005-2006. I think the vídeo was retired frontis YouTube.
They had all the albums cd on the table and They had to take two favorites.
Steve took the x factor and Seventh son although he said until seventh son his favorite one was piece of mind.
Bruce took the number of the beast and powerslave
Adrian took Somwhere in time and i don’t remember the other one.
And I don’ t remember the likes of the rest of the band.
Bruce took the number of the beast and powerslave
Adrian took Somwhere in time and i don’t remember the other one.

I remember seeing that on YouTube, IIRC they chose 5 between them. Both agreed on four - Killers, Powerslave and Number of the Beast (I forget the fourth, possibly Seventh Son?) - then Bruce chose Piece of Mind and Adrian picked Somewhere in Time.