Adrian Smith

That's what I meant too... I more so meant doing his own thing under his name like Bruce and Steve have done. I know Bruce and Steve didn't play everything, they had back up bands. I'm well aware that Adrian could do it all pretty easily. :)
Wait, wait... Why do you think Adrian onstage is the same as Adrian offstage? He's a performer and as much as he wishes to stay out of the spotlight, he can't do his job unless he goes public. He says himself that when he goes onstage he's a different person and it would be too simplistic to think that he is... well, what we see. Performing is like acting in a way and this is where the accent comes to play and the onstage behaviour and everything else that goes with it. So seeing Adrian fronting a band and doing it fucking convincingly has nothing to do with what he is like offstage.
About the on-stage / off-stage issue, Adrian to me is a laid back person than a shy one. He always seems confident in himself, when he's off-stage or on-stage. Confidence is the key to pull off frontmanship and it's no surprise to me that he can turn on the switch and go like that.
Totally agree. Quiet (or even, as I said, introverted) doesn't equal shy. Shy suggests a lack of confidence, the former doesn't. As you say, he mostly strikes you as laid back. I think Dave & Adrian are probably quite similar characters (personality-wise) off-stage.

On his bass playing, harrisdevot --it's pretty good. It's well mixed and booming i.e. typically Metal & heavy. Very much integrated with the guitars in the mix. It's obviously nothing like Steve's playing, which is very clean (although clattering, particularly live, when you hear his strings hit his pickups) and very rhythm based (with unusually guitar-like chord work sometimes). I don't listen to a fantastic amount of modern Metal, but it's pretty proficient sounding. I think Adrian plays bass on most of the tracks, except one where I noticed Mark Clayden (founder member of Pitchshifter) featured with "additional bass". I think Awoken Broken is a really, really decent album. It's seems to get better every time I listen to it. Well worth a listen for those who haven't purchased yet.
Just out of interest: can you even get Silver And Gold (ASAP) on CD?
I'm also finding it quite difficult to get Welcome To The World on CD for a decent price.
Silver and Gold is out of print so your best bet would be to find it used but you'd be very lucky if you find one and for a reasonable price. I know has some used but I've noticed some are pretty pricey. I was quite lucky enough to find it on vinyl for a reasonable price. :D As for Welcome to the World, I think it's the same case, it's probably out of print so there for, pretty rare to get.
The Untouchables is a bootleg and basically it's just an audio recording of the video that Ariana posted. There was nothing officially released.
There's also another video they did called City of Dreams:
I didn't ever really need converted to Adrian's guitar playing (did I? :)); but I don't really know (overall) how I rate his solo stuff. It seems pretty uneven; although, to be fair, I haven't really heard enough of it. I mean, with The Untouchables stuff just posted here, I'm not that taken with it. My life wouldn't be any worse for not having heard it, to be honest. I suppose, like everyone going to solo & side-project stuff (in general), I'm just curious as to how similar or dissimilar it sounds in comparison to his work with Maiden; which, obviously, I love.

I think you should both know by now, seeing as I post here quite a lot, that I love Adrian & his guitar work. Still looking, though, for something that I haven't found yet...
I'm just in the process of buying State Of Mind. I'm going to buy & listen to The Chemical Wedding & Accident Of Birth too. It's a long time since I've listened to any of Bruce's solo material (I had them years ago). Psycho Motel I haven't listened to properly at all. Can't vote yet; need to listen first!