A game of chess


Staff member
We have a winner! The White Team of SMX, LC, Ace and Lib has defeated The Black Team of brother and BM.

This post is accordingly edited. Here's the new rules:

1. The game has concluded, so madness or spam is now welcome.

2. Anyone can suggest a move. For instance, I suggest we all do The Robot.

3. If the chessboard picture below doesn't make any sense to you, it probably means you settled for learning checkers as a child. In that case, I'll be sure to use small words so I don't confuse you. [!--emo&:P--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/tongue.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'tongue.gif\' /][!--endemo--]


White team: SinisterMinisterX, Black Ace, LooseCannon, Lib (the victors)
Black team: brother_of_the_7th_son, Battlemaniacs (the vanquished)

Black has been checkmated

[img src=\'http://www.sinisterministerx.net/mfbb01.gif\' border=\'0\' alt=\'user posted image\' /]

The game so far: 1. e4 c5 2. Bd3 Nc6 3. Nc3 f5 4. exf5 Nf6 5. b3 h5 6. Nf3 a5 7. Nb5 Ra6 8. c4 Rh6 9. Bc2 d6 10. d4 Rg6 11. Qe2 Rxg2 12. Nh4 Nxd4 13. Nxd4 cxd4 14. Nxg2 Ng4 15. Bg5 Qb6 17. O-O Bxf5 18. Bxf5 a4 19. Rab1 a3 20. Bd3 e6 21. Qxe6+ Be7 22. Qxe7 mate
c7 to c5

(not sure if thats the right way to set it out...but I will have a go anyway)

Edit by SMX: Yes, that's the right way.
d6 to d5

Edit by SMX: Never mind. I moved my edit to the next post, hopefully brother will see it sooner that way.
hmmm, maybe I posted before you edited the thing, I'm sure their was a peice their [!--emo&:)--][img src=\'style_emoticons/[#EMO_DIR#]/smile.gif\' border=\'0\' style=\'vertical-align:middle\' alt=\'smile.gif\' /][!--endemo--]

h7 to h5
g1 to f3

Remember, you'll probably need to refresh your browser when looking at this thread. It's likely to have an older board position cached, so you need to refresh to see the current one.
Na, I dont think many people are interested, chess doesnt interest many people these days