2 Minutes to Midnight

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How good is 2 Minutes to Midnight on a scale of 1-10?

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Re: Daily Song: 2 Minutes to Midnight

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Re: Daily Song: 2 Minutes to Midnight

I have always really enjoyed the tempo change during Adrian's solo - that part of the song is still exciting to hear even to this day....why did Dave change his solo when playing this live (and when did he change it) as the original is preferable in my books.

The opening riff is quite iconic, I enjoy some of the lyrics (eg golden goose), but the chorus and outro, whilst good, are not great.

7.35 out of 10
I don't know why people doesn't like this song. I like it, a classical piece of Heavy Metal history. Another fantastic work by Adrian Smith.

8 out of 10... An album favorite of mine... the high point of which has always been Adrian's guitar work. Cool lyrics as well, and it's always a great live piece...
This song has become better to me over the years. I was never that much over the moon by Bruce's vocal lines in the couplets (especially not on LAD, I prefer the studio version over the live version) and the song always felt a bit too long. Later I got more used to it and I have always liked the mid-section, but also the pre-chorus and the chorus itself.

In the beginning I'd have given a 7, now it has risen to an 8.
10/10, A real rocker from start to finish, a song that has aged well and lost none of it's energy, all topped nicely with fantastic lyrics... perfection.
Another great track. Perhaps my favorite guitar solos and a fine set of lyrics. And the pre chorus is one of my favorite Maiden moments ever.  9/10
The main riff rules, and I love how it slows down then speeds up again, and that legendary chorus. 10/10.
I used to dislike this song, but it has grown on me. Now it is one of my favorites! 9/10. Even if the riff is one of the most overused kind of metal riffs, headbanging to it is still awesome!
True classic, true rocker, in it's heart, not it's structure. Which i like, the change of pace, the instrumental breakdown. Lyrics are awesome, the riff is famous and the solos are classic Maiden stuff. One detail that mostly goes overlooked are the basslines beneath the last verse. I could've give it a 10, but i won't because it got a bit ruined by overplaying. 9.
10/10 the first song i heard of maiden (gtavc) and always loved it since first listen... dont think it will ever fall from this rating

This is one of the first Maiden songs I really went for, and although they play maybe a little too often, it's still a favourite. The lyrics are among Maiden's best, and I was interested to find out abou tthe Doomsday clock as I'd never heard of it before. Many people don't realise that rock music can be educational! I really like the switch to half time and back again, and as for the solos, I don't know what some people are on about - Dave and H are absolutely smokin'.
I give this a 9/10. A solid song, great to listen to. Highlights for me are the awesome intro riff (especially love the way the drums come in), the slower pre-chorus which builds into the chorus so well, and the build-up to the final verse, which vocally is the best in my view. Can't get a 10, because the ending is so weak, which is disappointing after such a great song. Perhaps it also might be better slightly shorter, but I suppose that's just repeating the same comment in a different way. I agree it's overplayed live, but still gets me going. I think I actually prefer the studio version to any live version I've heard.