Does anyone know if this lighting rig was a recreation of one used in the 80’s? I could’ve sworn that it was but in watching live footage from ‘86 and ‘87 it seems like the lighting rig was completely different. Maybe this was a new creation?
Now that the first leg of the tour is finished is there a consensus best performance of the tour so far? I’m thinking it might have been Glasgow but the London shows were also good and the band seemed to have been pushing the tempos a bit.
So it looks like there might be a proshot live stream from Hellfest for tomorrow on YouTube? At least there have been for the other bands so far. Does anyone know for sure?
Agreed he is steadily getting better it seems. He might’ve been very cautious the first night with the difficulties they were having, the high workload of new songs, and not feeling 100%. Let’s hope he keeps going for a long time to come!
Sorry about that! I believe it was already mentioned above and is still in the rumor category at this point (though heating up with a couple of sources).
That reviewer is mainly talking about Adrian using different effects, my guess is that he used his whammy pedal again in the solos that they’re comparing to Tom Morello. Think Lord of Light solo. Adrian is the one Maiden guitarist that never stops growing and evolving as a player. I have all the...
If Amazon delivered the album to you today by mistake would you seriously not listen to it? I’m starting to think some of you would wait until precisely 12:01 am on September 3. For those of us that have already purchased multiple copies of this record I don’t see the harm in listening if...
Except the point of many here that simply want to hear the songs as soon as possible is that we’ve already paid for 8 different versions of the apples.
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