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  1. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    Bruce Dickinson

    I treat Mandrake as the last 2ish decades of Bruce ideas that never got to come to fruition due to Maiden, cancer, or otherwise. Is it an ultra serious or neccessarilly high fidelity album? Not in my opinion; But it is a fun listen with some solid content. Neat to see old and new Bruce ideas...
  2. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    The Future Past Tour 2024

    All this Charlotte talk reminds me I have tickets for sale :edmetal:
  3. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    Which of the reunion albums had the most interesting tour connected to it?

    TBOS was fantastic from start to finish. Eternity is a fucking insane opener and Bruce killed it. It was wonderful hearing Powerslave, CoTD, and blood brothers live, definitely cherish getting to hear those tracks live as TBOS was my first Maiden gig.
  4. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    Iron Maiden Tour 2025 - Discussion

    Now for the most important question ahead of any touring: What do you boys and girls use for earplugs at gigs?
  5. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    The Future Past Tour 2024

    Not sure the rules here, but selling 2 tickets for Charlotte. Just looking to recooperate what I paid per ticket. Section 114, can PM me for more details
  6. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    Iron Maiden Tour 2025 - Discussion

    What stadiums are booked?
  7. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    Bruce Dickinson

    Agreed. with what seems to be Bruce's plans for 2025, I dont see him going from a bigger solo tour right into something for Maiden over the summer. I expect some big changes to Maiden's touring ideology. I dont neccesarily see them going a Stones/Metallica/Rammstien route entirely (At least...
  8. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    The Future Past Tour 2024

    Yeah its a dice roll buying in advance. Im now figuring out how to sell my brother's tickets due to him having to drop-out from going to Charlotte.
  9. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    The Future Past Tour 2024

    Yeah, I think this is an interesting choice. Always thought they were a pretty damn cool band in concept, but never got into them. They will certainly draw in from a different but similar fan base, much like Ghost did for BoS. I think with other classic acts touring this year like Priest...
  10. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    The Future Past Tour 2024

    I dont honestly see them continuing this tour into 2025. But i think thats just me hoping for another album and tour.
  11. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    The Future Past Tour 2024

    I'd be stoked to catch him in the US, never got the chance to see Bruce on any solo tours
  12. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    The Future Past Tour 2024

    I'd wager it was more-so to get a reference and litmus test for where Bruce's vocals and overall technique was at ahead of producing a renunion album. As well as likely a chance for him, Steve, and Kevin to sit down and regear AoB/TCW Bruce back into Maiden Bruce. Theres a good bit of humor...
  13. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    The Future Past Tour 2024

    I'd like to think one more gig, but perhaps its just an intentional gap for rest
  14. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    The Future Past Tour 2024

    Yeah If we had more than say a couple years left in the band Id see em making it a staple But realistically we are at the end of Maiden, and Id rather them continue to highlight unplayed or rarely played tunes of the classic & 2000s era
  15. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    The Future Past Tour 2024

    Throw something he can put on Steve's head and he might shut the fuck up
  16. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    The Future Past Tour 2024

    The stage-set in general really shines in this footage.
  17. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    The Future Past Tour 2024

    Deff more SA dates.
  18. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    Birthday Wishes Thread

    Perhaps I have, perhaps I haven't. Such is the mystery of deja vu! Time is but a human construct... and sometimes we may get caught somewhere in it :edmetal:
  19. FeelLikeIveForumedBefore

    Birthday Wishes Thread

    Thanks y'all! Ive got a pack of Trooper waiting for me this evening to celebrate :cheers: