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  1. Spambot

    Run for "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES"

    ...or bike, swim, hike, walk, kayak, climb, etc. The Challenge Starting today until August 2nd—pick up a sport or fitness activity (if you haven’t already) and participate in a race. It can be any kind of race: it can be your local city 1 mile fun run, 100 meters swim challenge or bike through...
  2. Spambot

    How much are you willing to pay for the ticket to the final Iron Maiden gig?

    This is the scenario. Iron Maiden announces a tour. They don't say it, but it's their last ever. I know it, you know it, they know it. Coincidentally, the last date of the last tour ever is somewhere close to you: it may be in Europe, N. America, S. America, whatever. The point is: the final...
  3. Spambot

    King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard

    I'll probably be the only one posting here, but they released new song yesterday and I thought "Damn, these guys deserve their own thread!" Here's my little Q&A: What kind of name is that? From the mouth of the Stu Mackenzie (guitar, vocal, flute etc) himself: OK, so who are they? Six guys...
  4. Spambot

    Posting a new meme everyday 'til Iron Maiden releases new studio album

    Title says it all. I got the idea from the Dream Theater reddit and this guy "Moopyisdank" did it for 266 consecutive days until "Distant Memories" came out. I'm probably going to fail, get tired or run out of memes. However, this is at least a good reason to log in everyday and write...
  5. Spambot

    How many Iron Maiden members does it take to change a light-bulb?

    It started as a simple question, but then I got an idea. An idea like a virus. Resilient. Highly contagious. And even the smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you. Or your mind starts to wonder. If I needed to change a light-bulb who would I call? Steve would...
  6. Spambot

    Artists misinterpreted by their "one-big-hit"

    To elaborate: How many times have happened to you to misinterprete an artist/group by a song that you've known for years? There are dozens artists/groups at this day that you've heard of and probably know a song or two by him/them and that's it. Usually his/their back catalogue goes in simmilar...