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  1. T

    Random trivia

    I think we'd better not restrict ourselves only to the Napoleonic conflict....for even though the Cambodian hordes were eager to intervene...they were slightly challenged geographically. The only thing that springs to mind from the Vatican reference is the change from a single colour to...
  2. T

    Random trivia the answer lies in the colours........hmmmm For the Cambodian flag the colours have significance.....Red=nation, blue=royalty, and white=religion. The German Empire flag...think WW1.....was black white and red....Black and white for Prussia.....Red and white for the Hanseatic...
  3. T

    Deep dark secret

    This one might draw some flak but.......apart from a couple of songs.....I never really got Led Zeppelin.....they just don't do anything for me.
  4. T

    Random trivia

    Could it be that all three flags were originally introduced in their current format, subsequently were changed, or discarded and then finally brought back into service as the flags we see today? I know the Albanian flag was introduced as two headed eagle on a red field in 1920 when...
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    In and Out

    Out of the Silent would get two votes, as it's one of my daughter's all time gotta love the energy of this song.....and it still manages to stand out on an album packed full of great songs.  The other songs all have their place....but 'Silent Planet' is...
  6. T

    Call for assistance and a little advice.

    That did the trick.  IE seems not to be a Maiden fan.  Firefox, it would appear, is the Heavy Metal Browser of choice. Thanks for the help.
  7. T

    Call for assistance and a little advice.

    Thanks for the help. Problem 1:  OS is Windows XP.  Browser is Internet Explorer.  Flash, Shock and Java are all as up to date as can be.....I'll delete and reinstall and try again.....cookies I regularly delete.....I'll try using a friends computer and see if they can get in.....It's still a...
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    11 What?!

    As LooseCannon states the article is inaccurate....the mnenmonic is not for 11 planets, but for 8 planets and 3 dwarf planets in our solar system.  The idea of including dwarf planets seems a little excessive.....but I guess people just don't want to let Pluto go....I blame Disney.  It's...
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    Call for assistance and a little advice.

    Sorry to trouble you all with my problems.....but having been visiting this Forum for a few weeks now it has occurred to me that with luck a number of you may be able to shed some light on an old problem I have (rest easy.....its not medical) and a developing situation that requires a little...
  10. T

    Shrieving.......but the sins are small to moderate

    So it would seem that the prices are set to what the local market will bear.  It's only fair that Mexico should be cheaper than elsewhere, but the pricing for Japan still seems a little steep.  Maybe Rod had really done his homework, realised that the fan demographics in Japan pointed towards a...
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    Shrieving.......but the sins are small to moderate

    I've checked the labels on the T-shirt I bought at the Yokohama concert.  The label doesn't have any 'Made in....' information, but the label is 100% English language, which points away from Japanese production, and the company name is 'Shoot' described on the label as 'America's Favorite'...
  12. T

    Shrieving.......but the sins are small to moderate

    Exchange rates might have some influence.  The dollar is weak right now.....assuming that the Merchandise is bought in pounds sterling, then the dollar is at 1.96 to the pound and the yen at 210.  The yen has strengthened slightly over the last few months, but is still, relative to the pound...
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    Shrieving.......but the sins are small to moderate

    That's about 3800 yen a shirt at current exchange rates (25% cheaper than Japan!!!!!)........Now I am gonna cry.......and I don't care who sees.
  14. T

    2008 merch

    I stand ready to be corrected, but I didn't see a 'Japan Tour' T-shirt at Yokohama, only the standard tour T-shirts.  Probably because they were only doing two dates here.  But the Oz T-shirts are nice..........mustn't let my daughter see this thread.
  15. T

    Shrieving.......but the sins are small to moderate

    I suppose I should find some comfort in the fact that all of us are paying comparable prices for the merchandise......though I would have to wonder if the same prices will be charged in the Central and South American leg of the current tour......Fans in Japan may not feel rich.....but...
  16. T

    Bruce: "Tokyo Concert Filmed For Upcoming DVD"

    If I can add anything to this thread. I wasn't at the Tokyo concert.....was at Yokohama.  They had a few camera's set up but I would guess only for documentary purposes.  Nothing that would suggest a full concert DVD.  The Yokohama gig was excellent because the venue was so small......if only...
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    Shrieving.......but the sins are small to moderate

    You're all hitting the target on this one. For Sneaky:  'ridiculous' is a good word for the merchandise prices.  I live and work in Japan.  With the current exchange rate situation the Japanese are not a 'rich' people.  And life here was expensive to start with.  $40 for a baseball cap...
  18. T

    Shrieving.......but the sins are small to moderate

    Old poster to this forum. Warm greetings to all Maiden fans out there....having checked out some of the posts it seems like y'all have a nice, cosy little online community of like-minded Maiden worshippers going here.  I apologise in advance for any redundancy in the following post...