Call for assistance and a little advice.

The Hermit

Sorry to trouble you all with my problems.....but having been visiting this Forum for a few weeks now it has occurred to me that with luck a number of you may be able to shed some light on an old problem I have (rest easy.....its not medical) and a developing situation that requires a little research on my part.

First the old problem:  I am not an IMFC member but often visit the official website......the problem is I can't access the Eddiesmegastore site.  I click on the link, a new window opens, but it then seems to get stuck in some loop and never loads the this only for FC members?  Does anyone else have the same problem?  I've sent emails to the Maiden website a couple of times in the past.....maybe the emails aren't getting through either as I've had no response.  I've looked for links in other places and tried accessing directly through search engines, all to no avail.......If someone can shed some light on this problem I'd be exceedingly grateful.

Second issue.  Although Nicko doesn't seem to enjoy the 'theatre/seated auditorium' gigs so much, the Yokohama show was just the chance my daughter was waiting for to see her first Iron Maiden concert (Poor girl.....Her first ever concert just happened to be Maiden's 'Classic' tour!  I fear she's doomed to many disappointments in the future with other bands).  A big Maiden fan before the gig....she is now Maiden-mad.  Living in Japan, none of her friends can understand her obsession.....none of them had even heard of Maiden until she introduced them.  But that's not a problem that I seek assistance with.

Being a Rock fan, she naturally had a desire to play the guitar and it was always 'there' as a future ambition.....however, seeing Maiden live has added great urgency to this desire.  So much so that action needs to be taken.  I myself didn't pick up a guitar until I hit University.  I understand that smaller 'youth' guitars are available, but am wondering what advice anyone out there has on the subject.  My daughter stands 4 feet 10 (a little tall for her age) to give an idea of the size we're talking here.  I'm tempted to just go with a full size guitar....which would be difficult for her to handle at first....but which she will soon grow into.  Advice on the subject would once again be gratefully accepted
The Hermit said:
First the old problem:  I am not an IMFC member but often visit the official website......the problem is I can't access the Eddiesmegastore site.  I click on the link, a new window opens, but it then seems to get stuck in some loop and never loads the this only for FC members?  Does anyone else have the same problem?  I've sent emails to the Maiden website a couple of times in the past.....maybe the emails aren't getting through either as I've had no response.  I've looked for links in other places and tried accessing directly through search engines, all to no avail.......If someone can shed some light on this problem I'd be exceedingly grateful.

Can't help with the guitar but am pleased to help with the tech issue.

The Eddie's Mega Store opens for me.  So it'll work for non FC members.  Try clearing your cache/cookies/temp files.  If that doesn't work, you may have to reinstall Java, Flash, and Shockwave.  Failing that, post your OS and preferred browser for advanced troubleshooting!
On the guitar, this is my opinion, but I would get the full sized guitar.  I looked at those smaller ones, that fit children better, but after all was Haid and done, I picked out a full sized acoustic for my son (when he turned 12).  He has had great luck with that one, and has gone on to purchase another one.  I was told that it might have been difficult for him to start out on a small one and then adjust to a 'standard' sized one-- but that was advice from one sales-person.

I guess, it may depend on how difficult it would be for her to handle one-- Don't know about where you are at, but if you have a good guitar store (or music store) available, they are usually pretty good at letting you try them out on the showroom floor to get a 'feel' for it.

Again, thats just my opinion.
Full size guitar is the way to go. As she grows into the size, she'll have the potential to be a better player. Working on an instrument that challenges the limits of her hands will make her hands stronger. When she grows up, she'll find the guitar easier to play for that reason.
For the first problem: If all else fails, try using Windows Explorer.  Most web pages are designed for that (or were; it may have changed to firefox now).  Or alternatively, try a different computer.  Sometimes these things can't be explained; I have had some problems before that were present on all browsers.

The second I can't help you with, sorry.
Thanks for the help.

Problem 1:  OS is Windows XP.  Browser is Internet Explorer.  Flash, Shock and Java are all as up to date as can be.....I'll delete and reinstall and try again.....cookies I regularly delete.....I'll try using a friends computer and see if they can get in.....It's still a mystery.

Problem 2:  A clear but small consensus in favour of standard size guitars......that's where my gut feeling lie (and I promised no medical problems) anyway.

Thanks again everybody.
The Hermit said:
Thanks for the help.

Problem 1:  OS is Windows XP.  Browser is Internet Explorer.  Flash, Shock and Java are all as up to date as can be.....I'll delete and reinstall and try again.....cookies I regularly delete.....I'll try using a friends computer and see if they can get in.....It's still a mystery.

Try Firefox.  Then never use IE again.
That did the trick.  IE seems not to be a Maiden fan.  Firefox, it would appear, is the Heavy Metal Browser of choice.

Thanks for the help.