Black Sabbath

Three, twice to get into the album and once more as I write up the post. (That said this is one of the Sabbath albums I’ve heard prior to this.)
I am not sure I could form a proper opinion on three listens.

Do you ever find yourself disagreeing with your own rating after more listens?
Do you ever find yourself disagreeing with your own rating after more listens?
Oh sure, but these posts represent a snapshot of time that I can return to later on and see what's changed for me. Plus they'll be helpful for compiling my list for Mosh's game. I used to give albums one listen and post ratings and shit, nowadays I have to really give the records a proper few spins before I can even feel comfortable giving out ratings. The other thing is that I'm firmly a casual Black Sabbath listener right now, so this provides me a nice outlet to dig into a band that isn't among my favorites and uncover what makes them tick, etc. Hearing some other perspectives is also part of the fun of discovery, so I hope these posts lead to some solid discussion down the road.