Dr. Eddies Wingman
Brighter than thousand_suns
Maybe you'll find the Holy Grail on your journey.
if you've not already got one 

We shall quest until we find this dog. For this dog shall bring us everlasting joy. We are but the vessel awaiting to sail on the seas of the quest.What? Why are me and @mrk in this boys face? Maybe its fate, maybe hes trying to tell us something, maybe we've been chosen for a quest. Maybe we should track him down and journey to him.
Actually, I have this. Grailly as fuck, if you ask me. I found this in the Valley of the Kings almost exactly 20 years ago. Too scared to drink from it though...Maybe you'll find the Holy Grail on your journey.if you've not already got one
Oh my g, you are actually The OneWe shall quest until we find this dog. For this dog shall bring us everlasting joy. We are but the vessel awaiting to sail on the seas of the quest.
Folk Metal, please. Im on a folk binge, you see.Once you finish your Quest, you must present for us a power metal song.
OK, as long as it mentions brave Sir Robin.Folk Metal, please. Im on a folk binge, you see.
You can call me whatever you like, honeyOK, as long as it mentions brave Sir Robin.
“Niall Kielt” is clearly too good. You’ve been denied.Plus, also, my name change is still pending approval from some kind of moderator. Its been a week at least. What. Is. Up?
White people gonna white. White people in power gonna let them white.We're moving into the second week of the occupation of Ottawa by pro-COVID idiots, and I'm starting to lose my patience. Every time Indigenous land rights protestors block a single intersection, the cops arrest as many as they can and beat the shit out of them. These guys, they let them set up camp and then do nothing to get rid of them.
It's not Black folks in the US bad but it's the next thing to it. There's a lot of controversies around this currently, from the fallout of the Pickton murders in BC (and overall why there's so many missing Indigenous women across the country), challenges with land rights in Indigenous-administered lands, and of course the horrifying reveal of hidden graves at former residential school sites - some of which are graves that were always secret, some of which were large graveyards where the headstones were purposefully pulled by the Catholic Church in the 50s and 60s. Speaking of the Catholic Church, they were ordered to pay $35 million to survivors of residential schools in 2005, so they formed a corporation to handle it, raised very little money from themselves, said they had filled the debt by service in kind (IE the cost of running churches and schools in regions where Indigenous people were impacted by residential schools), declared bankruptcy, and never paid out a cent. And then there's the fact that basically every Indigenous person in Canada is or is directly descended from someone who went through the process of being dehumanized and having their culture forcibly stripped away in re-education centres designed not even to give the tools of modern society, but to reduce Indigenous kids to "hewers of wood and drawers of water" for the exploitation of colonists and their descendants.I thought Canada's treatment of native people was a lot better in recent times?