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For me it was always "foreeeever youuuuung, Eliiiiiiizabeeeeeeth" ... though Cirice's been starting to creep up to its place lately.
I've had I'll Be OK by Nothing More stuck in my head. Even though it's a very very simple sing with a verse and a chorus 3 times in a row, it has this amazing build up to a SUPER POWERFUL finish. EVERYONE, PLEASE listen to this amazing song!
Saw Nothing More live a few years ago. Didn't care much for the music but they were great performers, I saw a lot of potential in them.
I just took out the laundry and about half of it has changed color to dirty blue thanks to the new blue shorts I bought. Mostly new shirts too.

In this context: I read somewhere online that it's illegal to leave the house at night without a gun in Svalbard (because of the polar bears). They didn't write what they mean by 'night', and I didn't read it anywhere else, so I don't think that it's true, or is it?
I think that's bogus. On the other hand, you're not allowed to travel outside the town of Longyearbyen without means to ward off polar bears. A rifle is recommended, but some opt for flares or other non-lethal means to scare bears.

When some friends of mine went there, they brought two rifles (they were four) and kept guard at "night".
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That is a pretty cool song. Just sorted out the Bloodstock playlist on my computer, will need to do one on Spotify too for the bands I'm not familiar with (i.e. nearly all of them).
Alissa Cookie Monster? It's becoming a thing.

Also Megadave, but that's not unique to here.