Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I will always have huge respect for people who manage to get close to completing PHDs etc. I don't think I could muster the patience and commitment.
New job is just awesome, mostly work at home. Go to California on occasion .. making easily more money than I ever have. Got a bit of a raise an am almost doubling my last job .. plus the work is fun (doing Vertica stuff dealing with massive amounts of data)

Downside is the individual insurance market blows now compared to last time I worked for myself (I am 1099) on the good news side, it is just as easy to dodge a lot of taxes this way (legally)
I apologise for being overly aggressive with regards to political discussion recently.

I think this is soon going to start playing in my mind. Trust me, I can very much relate with a lot of the album at the moment:
It was misbehaving tonight. A lot of people using Mibbit were automatically kicked out and couldn't get back in. I eventually got in via Kiwi, using a different name