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For a week I have been waiting...
Still I am only in Saigon...
The walls move in a little closer...
I feel the jungle call me on...
Friday at last! :clap:
I'd like to say I've got exciting plans, but I haven't. Just getting some decent sleep and preparing for the house move

I've got the day off work today, which is a very rare and pleasant occurence. The morning was very productive; now just finished lunch while watching 12 Wasted Years. Afternoon will consist of a bit of house cleaning, then the gym, followed by golf. Probably beers tonight.

That's my day in a nutshell.
So I was five cents short at the supermarket, and the lady behind me helped me out. My gratitude was increased by the fact that she wore a long coat and a headscarf, and I was dressed in jeans, t-shirt and leather jacket, and did not exactly buy any halal products. And when I came home, I saw a Thai callboy fumbling my neighbour.
