Any way you slice it, Octavarium is the best track on an otherwise painfully mediocre album. Outside of The Astonishing it’s easily my least favorite album of theirs.
The Root of All Evil is one of the most ploddingly boring songs the band has ever done. Tracks 2 and 3 are also snoozefests, and track 6 rivals Invisible Monster and Room 137 as the worst song in the discography.
I do like I Walk Beside You, even if it sounds exactly like U2. Panic Attack has some decent moments but for DT the entire thing (outside of the Symphony X-style meter shifting under the solos) feels incredibly pedestrian. Sacrificed Sons is pretty solid, though, and easily runner-up for best song next to the title track.
I think a lot of my distaste for this album is because it followed up the amazingly aggressive and epic Train of Thought, which is a top three album for me. Octavarium also shamelessly rips off of other bands to the point of plagiarism, which is such a letdown from a band that always did their own thing.