'Til Tomorrow
Time’s up.
Picture clue:
Extra clue #1: Two words have been altered. One of the altered words is in the picture, and the other is an unusual term for something else in the picture.
Extra clue #2: The second altered word described in extra clue #1 also has ties to book publishing and boxing
Extra clue #3: The second altered word described in extra clues #1 and #2 relates to the bird
Extra clue #4: The original song is from the debut album
Extra clue #5: The second altered word described in extra clues #1-3 is also the name of a seaport city in Java, Indonesia
Extra clue #6: “_antam Of The ____”
Extra clue #7: One of the altered words begins with a “B”, while the other one has already appeared in multiple guesses
Extra clue #8: I honestly don't know what else to say here short of stating the answer. The underscores in extra clue #6 each represent a single character. The alterations to the final word of the song title remove one letter and change another. Please check your potential answer against all the clues before posting it.
Incorrect guesses: The Rooster, Losfer Words (Big Opry), Chicken Of The Opry, Play With Your Poultry On, Chicken in the Sand, Pace Or Opry, Chicken Free, For The Rooster Love Of God, Rooster LoveRaw, To Play Tanjung Intan, Kalimantam Of The Roostera, Bantam Of The Rooster
Picture clue:

Extra clue #2: The second altered word described in extra clue #1 also has ties to book publishing and boxing
Extra clue #3: The second altered word described in extra clues #1 and #2 relates to the bird
Extra clue #4: The original song is from the debut album
Extra clue #5: The second altered word described in extra clues #1-3 is also the name of a seaport city in Java, Indonesia
Extra clue #6: “_antam Of The ____”
Extra clue #7: One of the altered words begins with a “B”, while the other one has already appeared in multiple guesses
Extra clue #8: I honestly don't know what else to say here short of stating the answer. The underscores in extra clue #6 each represent a single character. The alterations to the final word of the song title remove one letter and change another. Please check your potential answer against all the clues before posting it.
Incorrect guesses: The Rooster, Losfer Words (Big Opry), Chicken Of The Opry, Play With Your Poultry On, Chicken in the Sand, Pace Or Opry, Chicken Free, For The Rooster Love Of God, Rooster LoveRaw, To Play Tanjung Intan, Kalimantam Of The Roostera, Bantam Of The Rooster