Why would someone *not* like Maiden?


Ancient Mariner
This kind of question crops up sometimes in my head when listening to Maiden.  Why would a person who listens to metal *not* like the music of Iron Maiden?  I can understand why some people don't like heavy music or metal, but why would a "regular" metalhead not like Iron Maiden?  I can't answer that, so let's discuss.
In my experience, the following seem to apply:

They seem to think Maiden stagnated after Powerslave (yet the same folk are happy to listen to Slayer).
Because they are popular, they are obviously not that good. :huh:
They sold out long ago (but Metallica are OK).
They play too much into the hands of their fans (well, where the hell does the money come from?).
They have become a caricature of themselves (bugger me, the band are English - that is what we do for fun. If no-one else wants to take the piss out of us, we'll do a grand job of it ourselves :D).

[personal opinion]But as yet, these people fail to come up with any reasonable argument as to their reasoning. So let them stew in their own crap![/personal opinion]
Iron Maiden are old
Iron Maiden are succesful
Iron Maiden are popular
Iron Maiden blow off stage all other bands, thus including favorite bands of the owner of this *not like*-taste
their sound is not updated -too much 80s
their music is not riff oriented
lately more and more songs are too much predictable (slow intro slow outro etc)
I so know what you mean. When I tell people at my school I love Iron Maiden they go "oh, I don't like them". Have they ver actually listened to them. Only a few of their new ones. One reason is they don't like Bruce's singing whereas I love it! But I think they should actually listen to the classics aswell and the ones with Paul singing. Because Maiden are fantastic and I wish folk wouldn't judge their music just because they have listened to one song!
Two weeks ago, I was talking to a mate in a pub, telling him a bit about Maiden and using the phrase "Maiden are the biggest metal band in the world". A chap who was also at the table overheard this, and he was one of those "kvlt and trve" people (i.e. one who'd hardly listen to anything that was less than six feet underground). He turned to me and said: "Let's put it this way: They're the biggest metal band that's true."

Interpret this your own way.
From looking at what people have to say on message boards, the main complaints that stuck out for me are:

"They stress the melody in their songs to a point that I can't take" (Something like that)
"Everything they did was just a watered down version of Judas Priest's Stained Class." (Not word for word, mind you)

Anyways, there are people who just don't care for traditional/power metal at all. It can be summed up in these quotes I found.

"I exclusively listen to extreme metal. The more headsmashing, the better."
"Non-extreme metal is almost uniformly rock n' roll horseshit. It serves no greater artistic purpose."

But hey, there are plenty of power metal fanboys who think death/black metal is garbage, so it goes either way. There's no need for semi-militant Open-Mindedness(TM).
Onhell said:
Oh that explains everything! The whole "band" thing is just a cover!

Don't get me wrong... The "merceneries" thing is about their speech about the fans. Did you notice they only played in rich countries? So, the fans who unfortunately don't live in these areas are unable to see them alive.
jeffbrun said:
Did you notice they only played in rich countries? So, the fans who unfortunately don't live in these areas are unable to see them alive.
You´re SOOOO right... -_-
The worst episode was in 1992, during the FOTD tour, they couldn´t play in Chile so they decided to play in one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world....Uruguay!!!
I live in that place, but I´m a very sensitive person, so I can see your point... :halo:
^^MeTaLeRo^^ said:
You´re SOOOO right... -_-
The worst episode was in 1992, during the FOTD tour, they couldn´t play in Chile so they decided to play in one of the richest and most powerful countries in the world....Uruguay!!!
My GOD! the IMF's best kept secret is out!
Onhell said:
Now there's an enemy Megan Man could fight :D

Unless he stands at 45[sup]o[/sup] above him

Mega Man: Damn..gun..only...shoots...in...four...directions!
Onhell said:
Now there's an enemy Megan Man could fight :D
hahaha...Do you think so?
I think the most common answer I get is...They're Old....I saw that in some other responses and I was happy to see that at least that's a consistent reason...a stupid one...but consistent.